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友情提示:本站提供全国400多所高等院校招收硕士、博士研究生入学考试历年考研真题、考博真题、答案,部分学校更新至2012年,2013年;均提供收费下载。 下载流程: 考研真题 点击“考研试卷””下载; 考博真题 点击“考博试卷库” 下载 

第 页(共 8 页)1
青 岛 科 技 大 学
注意事项:1.本试卷共 4 道大题(共计 73 个小题),满分 150 分;
Part I Vocabulary and Grammar (30 points)
1. When he ______ all the newspapers, he‟ll go home.
a. sell b. has sold c. will have sold d. will be sold
2. The machine starts the moment the button ______.
a. will be pressed b. is pressed c. has pressed d. has been pressed
3. Now that you ______, what are you going to do?
a. return b. are returning c. have returned d. returned
4. I had hoped Mr. Smith ______ me an early reply.
a. would give b. gave c. to give d. giving
5. Please be sure to call me the next time you ______.
a. will come b. would come c. come d. shall come
6. He went on foot, but he ______ by bus.
a. should go b. could have gone c. ought have gone d. could be gone
7. “Time is running out, ______?”
a. hadn‟t we better got start b. hadn‟t we better get start
c. hadn‟t we better get started d. hadn‟t we better got started
8. Were it not for the debts, we ______ all right.
a. would be b. would have been c. were d. are
9. When Joyce was told the whole story, she ______ in the film.
a. ceased interest b. ceased being interested
c. ceased interested d. ceased to interest
10. We often hear about airplanes ______ because of technical faults.
a. delaying b. being delayed c. be delayed d. to be delayed
11. Revolution means ______ the productive forces.
a. to liberate b. liberate c. liberated d. liberating


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