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青岛大学 2011 年硕士研究生入学试题
科目代码:__607___ 科目名称:基础英语(1)(共 10 页)
Choose one of the four answers that best completes the sentence.
1. The English language contains a of words which are comparatively
seldom used in ordinary conversation.
A. latitude B. multitude C. magnitude D. longitude
2. Jack is not very decisive, and he always finds himself in a as if he
doesn’t know what he really wants to do.
A. fantasy B. dilemma C. contradiction D. conflict
3. Psychologists have done extensive studies on how well patients __________
with doctors’ orders.
A. comply B. correspond C. interfere D. interact
4. The politician says he will __________ the welfare of the people.
A. prey on B. take on C. get at D. see to
5. The famous scientist _______his success to hard work.
A. imparted B. granted C. ascribed D. acknowledged
6. The______ from childhood to adulthood is always critical time for everybody.
A. conversion B. transition C. turnover D. transformation
7. The medicine __________ his pain but did not care his illness.
A. activated B. alleviated C. mediated D. deteriorated
8. Up until that time his interest had _______ focused almost on fully mastering the
skills and techniques of his craft.
A. restrictively B. radically C. inclusively D. exclusively
9. After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally ______.
A. deteriorated B. dispersed C. dissipated D. drained
10. No one can function properly if they are _______ of adequate sleep.
A. deprived B. ripped C. stripped D. contrived
11. The prospect of increased prices has already ______ worries.
A. provoked B. irritated C. inspired D. hoisted
12. Imposing steep fines on employers for on-the-job injuries to workers could be
an effective________ to creating a safer workplace, especially in the case of
employers with poor safety records.
A. alternative B. addition C. deterrent D. incentive
13. The disjunction between educational objectives that stress independence and
individuality and those that emphasize obedience to rules and cooperation with
others reflects a _________ that arises from the values on which these objectives
are based.
A. conflict B. redundancy C. gain D. predictability
14. A misconception frequently held by novice writers is that sentence structure


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