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南开大学外国语学院 2005 年硕士研究生入学考试试题
I. Explain the following terms (30 points)
1. professional communicator 6. key
2. register 7. involvement
3. genre 8. dependence
4. world knowledge 9. metamessage
5. C-B-S style 10. volubility
II. Please answer the following questions? (30 points)
1. How do you understand the statement that “language is always ambiguous”?
2. What is the relationship between speech event and speech act? (Explain with an example).
3. Do you think that there is a faceless communication? Why or why not?
4. What are the two major kinds of ambiguity in language?
5. Do you agree with the statement “cultures do not talk to each other”? State your reasons.
6. What are the three concepts of discourse?
7. What are the five major types of discourse system within which most professional discourse
takes place?
8. What is the ideological position off the Utilitarian discourse system?
9. What are the four basic assumptions shared by psychologists and anthropologists about
intercultural communication?
10. What are the four general conclusions drawn by Levinson on the basis of conversational
III. Please read each of the following statements and decide whether it is true or false (30 points)
1. Incommunication we can always fully control the meanings of the things we say and write.
2. Psychological studies of conversational exchanges and formal interviews have shown that the
more talk there is, the more these exchanges are perceived as “cold”.
3. The inferences we draw in ordinary conversation are drawn very quickly.
4. Communication is based on sharing a symbolic system.
5. As in the case of involvement, there are just a few ways in which independence can be reflected
6. Factors such as age, gender and relationship between the interlocutors do not have any
influence on communication.
7. A deference politeness system is one in which participants are considered to be equals or near
equals but treat each other at a distance.
8. When one participant uses involvement face strategies and the other uses independence
strategies, the one using the involvement strategies is the higher of the two.
9. All languages have some differences in verb forms which are used to produce cohesion.
10. Ideological statement often arises when someone comes to believe that\any two cultures can
be treated as if they were polar opposites.
11. Stereotyping is synonymous with overgeneralization.
12. All cultural differences are equally problematical in intercultural communication.
13. People would be likely to find any two cultures or members of any cultural groups who would


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