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2004 年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题
本试题共 8 页,第 1 页
试题编号:211 试题名称:英语(单)
Part I Vocabulary and Structure (20 points)
Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there
are four choices marked a, b, c and d. Choose the One that best completes the sentence.
Then mark the corresponding letter with a single line through the center.
1. Will this sweater _________ when washed?
a. shrink b. mist c. lessen d. decline
2. It is _______ to discuss the question.
a. worthy b. worthy of c. worthwhile d. worth
3. This hotel can _________ 600 guests.
a. accommodate b. accomplish c. accompany d. accuse
4. The old lady was __________ to the young man who helped her find her lost grandson.
a. touched b. cheerful c. generous d. grateful
5. Physicists have made new discoveries that challenge our ________ theories of the
a. existed b. adapted c. organized d. established
6. His family had a marvellous holiday, only the last three days were ________
a. hurt b. spoiled c. ruined d. damaged
7. His partner was thoroughly _______ by the robber‟s disguise.
a. taken through b. taken in c. taken down d. taken away
8. My son‟s composition was so confused that it didn‟t make any ________ at all.
a. sense b. message c. explanation d. meaning
9. Some people are ________ to politics and what is going in other places.
a. keen b. sympathetic c. indifferent d. curious
10.He had to _______ an appointment with me on account of illness.
a. put up b. put out c. put up with d. put off
11.The money they took with them was considerably _________ what they needed.
a. in favour of b. in excess of c. in charge of d. in contrast to
12.It was _______ for him to wear a T shirt at the reception.
a. out of place b. out of order c. out of question d. out of practice
13.There is something wrong here; I will ask my solicitor to ________ it.
a. make out b. set about c. look into d. figure out
14.Why not _______ tennis? It‟ll help you keep fit.
a. take up b. take on c. take in d. take after
15.They bought that piece of land with a _______ to building a new office block.
a. purpose b. view c. reason d. goal
16.The colours of that coat and trousers don‟t ________.
a. suit b. compare c. mix d. match
17.He remembered what it had ________ him to get a job.
a. spent b. used c. cost d. offered
18.The enemy is surrounded, and must soon __________.
a. give away b. give in c. give out d. give off


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