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共 4 页 第 1 页
2012 年湖南农业大学硕士招生自命题科目试题
科目名称及代码:811 综合知识
适 用 专 业:外国语言学及应用语言学
一、解释题:从下面挑选 5 个术语进行简单解释并可根据需要举例说明 (共计
10 分,每小题 2 分)
1. competence
2. minimal pair
3. assimilation rule
4 morpheme
5. reference
6. illocutionary act
7. syntax
二、填空题: 在下面每空填一个词,其中部分首字母已给出(共计 10 分,每空 1
1. In any language words can be used in new ways to mean new things and can be
combined into innumerable sentences based on limited rules, this feature is
usually termed p _________.
2. A_________ phonetics is a branch of phonetics concerns the production of
speech sounds.
3. A syllable consists of three parts: the onset, the p______ and the coda, e.g. [men].
4. E___________ refers to the process of construction where one clause is included
in the sentence (main clause) in syntactic subordination.
5. P ___________refers to the phenomenon that the same word may have a set of
different meanings. .
6. Predication analysis refers to the kind of analysis which involves the breaking
down of predication into their constituents: A________ and Predicate.
7.The Sapir- Whorf Hypothesis has two thrusts: linguistic d ________ and
linguistic relativity.
8. “The man put on his hat” is transformed into “The man put his hat on”, the rule is
called r ________ according to Transformational Generative Grammar.
9. In making conversation, the general principle that all participants expected to


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