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欢迎报考广东商学院硕士研究生,祝你考试成功!(第 1 页 共 2 页) 1 广东商学院硕士研究生入学考试试卷(A) 考试年度:2011 年 考试科目代码及名称:603-普通语言学 适用专业:050201-英语语言文学 [友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!] 一、名词解释(10 题,每题 3 分,共 30 分) 1. interlanguage 2. blending 3. assimilation 4. concord 5. connotation 6. frequency effect 7. validity 8. the textual function 9. direct thought 10. proficient test 二、判断题 (5 题,每题 8 分,共 40 分) 1.( ) Systematic grammar is based on the assumption that grammatical categories should be defined not in terms of meaning but in terms of distribution, and that the structure of each language should be described without reference to the alleged universality of such categories as tense, mood and parts of speech. 2.( ) Chomsky once thought that sentences like the active and the passive, the declarative and the interrogative, ant the positive and the passive, are each derive from the same deep structure. The difference between them simply comes from the operation of relevant transformations. 3. ( ) Morphology studies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed. 4. ( ) The conception of language input as a way to promote language acquisition is to some extent in line with the so called constructivism a constructivist view of language argues that language is socially constructed. 5. ( )Immediate constituent analysis is a kind of grammatical