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2012 年空军工程大学博士研究生入学考试——英语 10- 1
Ⅰ.Complete each of the following sentences with the best answer. (0.5’*40)
1. Until he took off his glasses __________.
A. I didn’t recognize him B. I hadn’t recognized him
C. didn’t I recognize him D. hadn’t I recognized him
2. We can __________ that after some time our farmers will be able to __________ international competition.
A. expect; fit themselves B. presume; adjust to
C. assume; adapt to D. suppose; get used to
3. Agood reader can tell the difference between words that sound __________, and know ____________ to use
A. like; why and how B. alike; why andwhere
C. like how and where D. alike; when and how
4. 90 percent of all English writing ____________ 1,000 basic words.
A. is consisted B. consist of
C. consists of D. consisted
5. ____________ to develop his talent, Adam could become an excellent artist.
A. Allowed B. Allowing
C. Being allowed D. Have been allowed
6. Don’t ever drive past a hitchhiker, ____________?
A. will you B. don’t you
C. do you D. can you
7. As a senior professor she should have known better ____________ to get involved in such a scandal.
A. and not B. but not
C. than D. than not
8. His power was seriously ____________ by a succession of crises, and when he died, a bitter power struggle
A. weakened; was ensued B. eroded; ensued
C. damaged; followed D. reduced; occurred
9. Leonardo da Vinci ____________ caged birds in order to have the pleasure of setting them free.
A. was said to buy B. is said to buy
C. has said to buy D. is said to have bought
10. In China, customers pay far less for a DVD than ____________ countries.
A. those in many B. in many
C. those in many other D. in many other
11. ____________dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive.
A. Although B. whatever
C. As D. However
12. The party, ____________I was the guest of honour, was extremely enjoyable.
A. by which B. for which
C. to which D. at which
13. If only I ____________ play the guitar as well as you!
A. would B. could
C. should D. might
14. It’s high time we ____________ cutting down the rainforests.
A. stopped B. had to stop


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