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2006 年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试试题年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试试题年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试试题年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试试题
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Part I Vocabulary
I. Choose from a, b, c or d, which is closest to the meaning of the underlined word or
phrase and write your choices in your answer sheet. (20 points)
1. The girl’s early home was a goat-hair tent pitched now in the sands, now beside some oasis in
the showdown of the palms.
a. threw b. aimed at c. loaded d. set up
2. The rule states that if a boxer is knocked down, he must stay down for a mandatory eight
a. long b. delayed c. obligatory d. crucial
3. How ludicrous to think that Mary would ever consent to be his bride.
a. excessive b. logical c. fanatical d. ridiculous
4. Agatha thwarted her sister’s every effort to sell the old house.
a. assisted b. blocked c. reported d. hoped
5. The team’s morale was at its lowest point of the season.
a. ability to read b. spirit c. talent d. lesson
6. The dogs in Apartment 8E should ferocious.
a. gentle b. funny c. mean d. stupid
7. He reciprocated by sending the general a silver tray.
a. received b. gave c. responded d. opened
8. Our itinerary took us through Philadelphia and Baltimore.
a. tour guide b. road map c. route d. ideas
9. She rescinded her offer to take pictures at the graduation dance.
a. reinforced b. renewed c. fired up d. withdrew
10. And that was his last recollection of his descent – inverted in space, the stars below his flying
boots, and a sensation, which persisted to the end, that he was stationary.
2006 年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试试题年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试试题年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试试题年招收攻读硕士研究生入学考试试题
第 2 页 共 12 页
a. instant attack b. sudden fall c. ancestry d. descendant
11. A nationwide depression brought lowered salaries and unemployment, and then, one winter,
Ivory became too ill to work.
a. low place on a surfaceb. low spirits c. business recession d. in price
12. The politician promised to be candid, but we wondered.
a. sweet b. open and frank c. casual d. discreet
13. Robert Frost radiates good will when he speaks of projects to protect Utah’s environment.
a. hates b. exposes c. emits d. hides
14. June played the role of an unsophisticated country girl who’d come to the cit for her first job.
a. overweight b. poorly clothed c. illiterate d. naïve
15. It’s the one indispensable item in the suitcase, and I forgot it!
a. temporary b. essential c. indiscernible d. forgettable
16. There is no stigma attached to what you are doing.
a. purpose b. disgrace c. illness d. honor
16. Lately, Leslie always seems to be in an introspective mood.
a. querulous b. contemplative c. covert d. outgoing
17. The queen always appeared haughty when receiving her subjects.
a. regal b. tall c. arrogant d. generous
18. The vote for the treaty was unanimous.
a. limited b. acrimonious
c. unsightly d. by common cons
19. Tonia asked the doctor what he had to soothe her nerve.
a. calm b. deaden c. jangle d. rouse
20. The scarcity of good actors in this city is astounding.
a. dearth b. abundance c. plethora d. fright
II. Complete each of the sentences with the appropriate form of the word provided in the
parenthesis and write your answers in your answer sheet. (20 points)
1. She seemed __________ to confirm the bad news in the letter. (hesitate)
2. The local people admired the soldiers for their courage and __________. (endure)
3. The hotel is well known in the local area for its __________ staff and high standards.
4. It began to rain, so he took out his umbrella and __________ it. (fold)
5. Nowadays some parents have unnecessarily high __________ for their children.
6. The football player has been __________ from the forthcoming match because of his bad


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