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NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SINGAPORE, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Scholarship in Process Control
ONE PhD scholarship is open for the semester starting in August 2011 at the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering of the National University of Singapore. This PhD project is related to the development of advanced controller design methods with relevance to industrial practice.
Candidates interested in this position should have a Bachelor or Master degree in any of the following disciplines or related disciplines: Chemical Engineering, Process Control. It is essential that the candidates are able to demonstrate good communication skills in English.
The stipend for PhD scholarship is S$2000 per month initially and will be topped up to S$2500 per month after the student successfully passes the required oral examinations, which is expected to be completed within the first two years of PhD candidature.
To apply for the position, please send your CV, a copy of your undergraduate (and graduate, if applicable) transcripts, a copy of your TOFEL and GRE scores, the names and contact information of two referees to Professor Min-Sen Chiu at checms@nus.edu.sg.
For further details or enquiries, please e-mail to Professor Chiu.
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