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Mass Media Task 2 Vocabulary Classification 1. Listen to the following words. (表示情绪的形容词) 1) ____________2) _____________ 3) ____________ 4) _____________ 1) ____________2) _____________ 3) ____________ 4) _____________ 1) ____________2) _____________ 3) ____________ 4) _____________ 1) ____________2) _____________ 3) ____________ 4) _____________ amazed, annoyed, confused, disgusted, embarrassed, excited, interested, shocked, sad, upset, depressed, anxious, pleased, enthusiastic, pleasant, delighted, fused, angry, furious. II. Vocabulary: Task 1: Brainstorm some words associating with Media _____________ ____________ ________________ ________________ _____________ ____________ ________________ ________________ _____________ ____________ ________________ ________________ TV, radio, press, press conference, paper, magazine, journal, periodical, journalism, mass media, editor, reporter, host, hostess, box office, audience, listener, readers, columnist, classification, correspondent, interview, show, TV series, soap opera, PR III. Reading: Passage 1 Both in America and Britain there is an eagerness on the part of TV executives to play down the importance of the small screen, except .of course, in the field of selling goods. This desire to minimize the social impact of TV is perfectly natural. If it could be conclusively proved that the electronic box was a major factor in determining the attitudes and the values of a nation then two awkward questions would have to be answered. Is it right that a medium that has such influence should be primarily concerned with the provision of entertainment and the advertising of goods? And an even more embarrassing question people might ask is whether the men now running TV have the authority, the understanding or the intelligence to be in control of such a vital part of the state apparatus. Because it is disrupting and disturbing life on almost every level in America and Britain, and because it is largely indulged in by what might be described as the first “telly generation”, violence is the activity that has been most frequently linked with the consequences of TV. There are other even more important trends that might be stimulated or provoked by the program content of TV. The demoralization of institutions like the army, the church; the contempt for authority, a healthy skepticism and a welcome permissiveness; an over-simplification of complex issues which makes an electorate (选民) impatient with a political process that cannot solve them. How much is TV responsible? And that these trends are helping to change society at a unprecedented rate can hardly be denied. Because the impact of these changes is relatively long-term and not easily pinpointed, there is a vast depth of unconcern about these developments. On violence, however, there is an intuitive suspicion that TV might have something to do with it, yet the men running TV have gone to considerable lengths to assure us that we are unduly alarmed about nothing. 66. In order to avoid the repetitions of the word “television”, what other nouns does the author use? Please list at least four. _______________________________________________________________________________ 67. Can you use another word in this passage to tale the place of “play down ”in para.1? _______________________________________________________________________________ 68. Why are TV executives in America and Britain eager to play down the importance of TV? _______________________________________________________________________________ 69. Why do people believe that TV has something to do with increasing violence? _______________________________________________________________________________ 70. What is the author’s attitude toward the argument over TV’s influence? _______________________________________________________________________________ 66.答案为:第一段中的"small screen" ,第二段中的"electronic box"第三段中的"medium" 第五段中的“telly generation” 67. minimize 68. Because TV has become a major factor in determining the attitudes and the values of a nation 69. Because there is an intuitive suspicion that TV might have something to do with violence. (待续)


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