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  ① 认真研究所给提纲。


  ② 确定各段的主题句。







  ③ 逐步展开段落。


  ④ 检查与修改。



  ① 写作题目(1995 年考研英语写作真题)


  1. Present situation

  2. Necessity of the project

  3. My suggestion


  Education plays a very significant role in the modernization of our country.There are, however, still a large number of children in remote and isolated rural areas who can’t afford to go to school because of their financial predicament. This is a very serious problem that needs to be resolved as soon as possible. Thus, the Chinese authorities have worked out a plan to assist them financially, which is called “Project Hope”。

  This project, I do believe, is of most importance and necessity. To begin with, as a developing country, China is unlikely to inject a huge amount of money in education at present. So education has to turn to the general public to find its way out.Secondly, with financial ssistance of the general public, many of the poor children who have dropped out of school can go on with their education. This will, in turn, contribute a great deal to the expansion of the rural economy in our remote and isolated rural areas. Apparently, the Project Hope is of profound significance for the modernization of our country。

  As for me, a university student, my suggestions are as follows. In the first place, our overnment should encourage more of the public in cities to finance the project. In addition, it is most necessary to set up a special foundation to receive the contributions donated by the public at home and abroad. Last but not least, those in charge of the project are supposed to make sure that the money is directly sent to the families whose children have dropped out of school. In short, I am convinced that the project will be fruitful and successful in the long run. (284 words)


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