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  这部小说生动地描写了1805至1820年俄国社会的重大历史事件和各个生活领域:“近千个人物,无数的场景,国家和私人生活的一切可能的领域,历史,战争,人间一切惨剧,各种情欲,人生各个阶段,从婴儿降临人间的啼声到气息奄奄的老人的感情最后迸发,人所能感受到的一切欢乐和痛苦,各种可能的内心思绪,从窃取自己同伴的钱币的小偷的感觉,到英雄主义的最崇高的冲动和领悟透彻的沉思— —在这幅画里都应有尽有。”作者对生活的大面积涵盖和整体把握,对个别现象与事物整体、个人命运与周围世界的内在联系的充分揭示,使这部小说具有极大的思想和艺术容量。 这是托尔斯泰创作的第一部卷秩浩繁的长篇小说。 作者把战争与和平,前线与后方、国内与国外、军队与社会、上层与下层连结起来,既全面反映了时代风貌,又为各式各样的典型人物创造了极广阔的典型环境。作者对人物的描写形象既复杂又丰满,常用对比的艺术方法来表述,体裁在俄国文学史上是一种创新,也超越了欧洲长篇小说的传统规范。

  ON HIS RETURN to Moscow from the army, Nikolay Rostov was received by his family as a hero, as the best of sons, their idolised Nikolenka; by his relations, as a charming, agreeable, and polite young man; by his acquaintances as a handsome lieutenant of hussars, a good dancer, and one of the best matches in Moscow。

  All Moscow was acquainted with the Rostovs; the old count had plenty of money that year, because all his estates had been mortgaged, and so Nikolenka, who kept his own racehorse, and wore the most fashionable riding-breeches of a special cut, unlike any yet seen in Moscow, and the most fashionable boots, with extremely pointed toes, and little silver spurs, was able to pass his time very agreeably. After the first brief interval of adapting himself to the old conditions of life, Rostov felt very happy at being home again. He felt that he had grown up and become a man。

  His despair at failing in a Scripture examination, his borrowing money from Gavrilo for his sledge-drivers, his stolen kisses with Sonya—all that he looked back upon as childishness from which he was now immeasurably remote. Now he was a lieutenant of hussars with a silver-braided jacket, and a soldier’s cross of St. George, he had a horse in training for a race, and kept company with well-known racing men, elderly and respected persons. He had struck up an acquaintance too, with a lady living in a boulevard, whom he used to visit in the evening. He led the mazurka at the Arharovs’ balls, talked to Field-Marshal Kamensky about the war, and used familiar forms of address to a colonel of forty, to whom he had been introduced by Denisov。

  His passion for the Tsar flagged a little in Moscow, as he did not see him, and had no chance of seeing him all that time. But still he often used to talk about the Emperor and his love for him, always with a suggestion in his tone that he was not saying all that there was in his feeling for the Emperor, something that every one could not understand; and with his whole heart he shared the general feeling in Moscow of adoration for the Emperor Alexander Pavlovitch, who was spoken of at that time in Moscow by the designation of the “angel incarnate。


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