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  Dear Professor Neuland:

  I was told by our mutual friend Mr. Redmond that you would visit China next month. May I take the opportunity to invite you to come to our department to give the students some lectures on modern American literature ?

  Please let me know as soon as possible if you can come and when you will be able to make it.                                                            


                                                              Wang Jones

                                                         Professor of English


  Dear Jane:

  I hope you and Fred haven’t any plan for the weekend of July twenty-fourth as we’d like you to

  spend it with us at Far Acres. It’s simply beautiful here now, with everything in bloom!

  I think we can promise Fredsome good fishing this year. The fish are biting better than ever! So

  bring your fishing clothes; and be sure to bring your tennis things, too, because the Owens are

  coming and I’m sure you’ll want to get out on the courts with them。

  There’s a very good train Friday night; I’ve marked it in red on the timetable. It gets you here

  about seven-thirty which is just in time for dinner. You can get a late train back Sunday night, or

  there’s an early express that Bob usually takes on Monday morning。

  We hope nothing will prevent you from coming, as we’re looking forward to your visit and 

  I know the Owens are looking forward to seeing you again, too. Be sure to let us know what train you are taking so that Bob can meet you at the station。

                                                      Affectionately yours,




  Two days ago Professor Wang invited you to visit his university. But you have got other engagements. Write a letter to him, telling him your regrets. Your letter should be

  with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming” instead. (10 points)


  Dear Professor Wang:

  It’s an honor for me to be invited, but I deeply regret being unable to come to Chengdu。

  I shall stay in China for only half a month, i.e., from November 1 to 15. I have already been fully engaged for the visit. All the engagements are to be carried out in Shanghai, so I can’t possibly come to your university。

  I do hope I can have a chance to visit your university sometime in the future。


                                                             Li Ming


  1.It would give me/us great pleasure to have your presence at the Reception / Dinner / Ceremony to be held on …(date ) at …(place)at …。(time)。

  2.We would like to extend to you an invitation to be our honorary judge / guest speaker at the English Speaking Contest / Opening Ceremony of 100th Anniversary Celebrations of NYU to be held at…(place) on…(date) at…(time)。

  3.We are having / planning a…on…(date) and we think it would be a good idea if you can join us。

  4.I am writing to invite you to attend a party on…

  5.I should be much pleased if you would come to our party on…

  6.Are you free on…(date) ? Is there any chance of your coming to / Would you like to join us for / Do you think you could come to…(occasion) at…(time) at…(place) ?

  7.Thank you so much for inviting me to…, but I am terribly sorry that I may not be able to…。

  8.It’s an honor for me to be invited to…, but I deeply regret being unable to…。


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