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 您现在的位置: 考研秘籍考研网 >> 文章中心 >> 考研英语 >> 正文  2010年考研英语应用文写作指导:书信写作(八)

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  Dear Ms. Ravenal,      

  As the editor of the “New Star Column” of Shanghai Evening, I want to apologize for omitting your name in the last issue. Our editor-in-chief Mr. Wang asked me how I could possibly have forgotten to include our hottest new actor! In proofreading the copy, my eyes failed to notice that your name was not where my brain expected it to be. I am awfully sorry for this terrible mistake and any possible inconveniences incurred by it. A correction will appear in the next issue. And I will not hesitate to guarantee that such mistakes will never happen again in the future. 

                                                           Sincerely Yours, 

                                                              Li Ming 

                                                   Editor of Shanghai Evening


  1.I am extremely embarrassed about…

  2.Please accept my sincere apology for…

  3.You have every right to be annoyed / irritated / upset / unhappy with…

  4.My behavior yesterday was inexcusable, and I must tell you how…

  5.I feel dreadful about…

  6.I must beg your forgiveness for…

  例 2(感谢信)


  You learned that Ms. Wang was helping you dealing with office matters during your sick leave. Write a letter of appreciation to her to express your thanks. Your letter should include:1)what you heard of what Ms Wang did,2)the reason for your thanks,3)the favor you’d like to offer.   

  Your letter should be with no less than 100 words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, use “Li Ming” instead. (10 points)


  Dear Ms. Wang,   

  I’m told by Zhang Lei that you were the good-hearted soul who kept my desk from overflowing during my sick leave while still keeping up your own work!   

  I had been expecting the chaos once I returned to my office, but instead I was able to start back with a clear desk. I am most appreciative of everything you did for me. I don’t know if this is a compliment or not, but you did things just as I would have done.   

  Do call on me if I can ever return the favor。

                                                                Truly yours,

                                                                  Li Ming



  You have attended your friend’s dinner party last night. Now you want to send an Email to your friend to show your appreciation of the good time you’ve had togetherYou should write about 100 words neatly on Answer Sheet 2. Don’t sign your own. Use “Li Ming” instead. ( 10 points )

  Dear Beth and Bon,   

  Last night’s dinner was great! Thanks for inviting me and for introducing me to the wonders of Tai cuisine. It was a most welcome and exotic break from a week of quick meals between long hours of work.   

  Please say hello to Barbara for me, and let her know how much I enjoyed our talk about Ireland. It’s even inspired me to look into travel possibilities.   

    Best wishes。



  1.Let me tell you how much I liked / appreciated / enjoyed…

  2.I want you to know how much we / I appreciate…

  3.We appreciate your taking time to …

  4.I don’t know how I would have managed without your help。

  5.I hope I can return the favor someday。

  6.Do let me know if I can ever return the favor。


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