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  When 1 was about twelve, I suddenly developed a great passion      1    writing poetry. I gave up all my other hobbies such as      2     stamps, and spent all my   3    time reading poetry and writing it. This habit of writing poetry on every possible      4     soon got me into trouble at school. If a lesson did not interest me, I would take out my note-book and start writing poems in class. Of course I did this very     5     , but it was not long before I got caught. One day while I was busy writing a poem during a geography lesson. I looked up to find the teacher standing over me, fuming with anger because I was not      6     attention. He tore the poem up, with a         7         not to waste time in his lesson. All the same I was convinced that I had written a good poem, so that evening I wrote it out again from memory. Not long after, I read about a poetry contest and I decided to send in my poem. Weeks later, long after a I had given up hope, I got a letter informing me 1 had won first              8              . Everyone at school was very impressed except the geography teacher, who       9       me more carefully than ever. He was quite     10      that I was not going to write poetry in his lesson!

  1. A. for    B. in    C. On    D. at

  2. A. arranging   B. collecting  C. gathering   D. at

  3. A. additional  B. extra   C. other    D. spare

  4. A. chance   B. moment  C. occasion   D. time

  5. A. anxiously      B. attentively  C. cautiously   D. silently

  6. A. calling   B. devoting  C. attracting   D. paying

  7. A. warning   B. notice   C. word    D. 100k

  8. A. position   B. prize   C. reward            D. victory

  9. A. guarded   B. inspected  C. observed   D. watched

  10. A. determined  B. annoyed  C. fixed    D. assured


  1. 选A. for ,本题测试固定搭配。 Passion for 为“对…(产生)热情、激情”之意,例如:He has a great passion for painting pictures. 他对绘画产生了浓厚的兴趣。

  2. 选B. collecting, 本题测试同义词辨析。B,C两答案都有“收集”之意,但collect着重指有目的、有选择、有计划地收集,而gather 指人或分散的物及抽象的概念,如力量、印象等的聚集。Collect stamps “集邮”为习惯用法。

  3. 选D. spare,本题测试固定搭配。Spare time 意为“业余时间”。

  4. 选C. occasion, 本题测试介词的惯用搭配。题中4个选项中能与介词“on ”连用的只有occasion一词,On occasion 意为“一有机会,在任何场合”。

  5. 选C. cautiously,本题测试副词词义辨析。该句意为“当然,做这种事情我是小心翼翼的,…”A. anxiously “忧虑地,担心地”;D. silently “安静地”B. attentively “注意地”;均不符合题意。

  6. 选D. paying,本题测试固定搭配。 pay attention to意为“注意,专心”。久call attention to “请……注意”;B. devoting attention to “极注意”;C. attract attention to “吸引……注意,”均不符合题意。

  7. 选A. warning,本题测试上下文中词的含义。该句意为“他把我的诗撕了,警告我不要在他的课上白白浪费时间。“warn”警告,告诫,表示告诫人不要做不该做的事;B. notice “预先通知,提醒”;C. a word“一句话”,D. a look “看一眼”。从上下文来看,句子表示老师在盛怒之下要做出的事,故应用“警告”才合乎题意。

  8. 选B. prize,本题测试名词同义词辨析。Prize“奖赏”,指在比赛或竞赛中获奖,win the first prize 意为“获得头奖”,与题意相符。C. reward“奖赏”,指为人做事所得到的“报酬”;D. victory“胜利”;A. position“职位”。从搭配来看,reward, position不与win搭配,victory 与 win搭配,但意义为符。

  9. 选D. watched。本题测试动词同义词辨析。该句意为“…,唯独地理老师例外,他比过去更加注意地盯着我。”watch“看,注视”,指有目的、特意地观看、注视。A. guarder“看守”;B. inspected “检查”;C. observed “观察”,指仔细观察事物。

  10. 选A. determined ,本题测试形容词的用法。Determined 原为过去分词,但已转化为形容词,在句中作表语,后面跟从句,意为“决心地,坚决地”。B. annoy “使烦恼”;C. fix “确定”;D. assure “使确信”,均不能在该句中作表语,同时意义也与题意不符。


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