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《全国硕士研究生(论坛) 入学统一考试英语(论坛)考试大纲》从2005 年开始,对写作部分做了内容扩充,即在保留短文写作的情况下,加考一篇应用文(包括私人或公务信函、备忘录、摘要、报告等)。迄今为止,应用文已经出现了五次(2005—2009 年),每次均以书信形式出现。今天将对推荐信写作进行讲解和说明。

A letter of Recommendation(推荐信)



1. I take pleasure in recommending to you sb.

2. I am of the opinion that sb. is qualified to do / for sth

3. I strongly recommend sb. to one’s application.

4. I know sb. to have been a promising student/employee of intelligence and ability.

5. I have found sb. to be a hard-working person. Who has made some outstanding achievements/success/ accomplishments/ fulfillment.

6. I consider sb. a very dedicated professional. He would be highly eligible to fill the position.

7. I feel very safe in recommending sb. to you.

8. sb. passed with honors in a subject.

9. It will be greatly appreciated if you could give sb. a chance to do sth.

10. Not only I myself but also my colleagues shall deem it a great favor if you could give sb.assistance / guidance.



You have taught Zhou Jie for two years. Write a letter of recommendation for Zhou Jie to

1) state your relationship with Zhou,

2) introduce Zhou’s academic achievements,

3) introduce his language proficiency,

4) introduce his sports and social activities,

5) Express your sincere recommendation.

You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming” instead. You do not need to write the address.

Jan. 30th, 2010

To Whom It May Concern,

It is indeed a pleasure for me to write this letter of recommendation for Zhou Jie, a student of mine for the past two years in Peking University. During his four years study in our university, he has distinguished himself in this university, and shows great potential for future accomplishments.

Zhou is in the Math & Physics Enrichment Program of our university. His achievements in all his subjects place him among the top five percent of students in the grade.

Zhou is equally strong in language. His English proficiency has reached the level of CET 6.

Finally, Zhou is a model student. He is captain of the school basketball team, and a member of several student organizations.

In conclusion, Zhou is one of the most gifted students I have had the pleasure to teach. He is most deserving of any opportunity you can give to him.

Very truly yours,

Li Ming

Dean of Computer Science Department

(162 words)


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