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南开大学 2007 年攻读硕士研究生入学考试 翻译试卷 (180 分钟,总分 150 分,共 4 页) Ⅰ.Translate the following into English (75 分): 丁玲幼年就领略了世态炎凉,目睹过封建社会人们悲惨的遭遇。是“五四”运动的浪潮, 把她推向广阔的社会。青年时代的丁玲一步入文坛,就显露出非凡的才华。三十年代“左联” 时代血与火的洗礼造就了她更坚强的性格。她曾遭受敌人的绑架囚禁,也曾活跃在西北战场 的枪林弹雨中。华北农村土地改革的风浪孕育了长篇名著《太阳照在桑干河上》。新中国诞 生后,她满腔热情地为繁荣社会主义文艺事业辛勤奔波。 她脚下的路过于崎岖。多次错误的批判,横空飞来的“反党”、“右派”帽子,曾严重地 伤害过她。在北大荒,在狱中,在太行山,丁玲顶着巨大的压力,默默无闻地工作着,送走 了二十多年的宝贵的光阴。 然而,谈起往事,丁玲总是说:“我受难的时候,党和人民也在受难”,“我搜索自己的 感情,实在找不到更多的抱怨”。 七十五岁时重返文坛,丁玲没有时间为自己的遭遇呻吟叹息。她就像年轻人一样急切地 捧出了一枝报春的红杏——《杜晚香》,忘情地投入新的生活和创作。她奔波于大江南北, 游历于欧、美、澳大陆,会见各种人,发表演说,奋笔疾书,写散文,写评论,每年都有十 多万字的新作,每年都有新书问世。晚年的丁玲,迎来了一个宝贵的创作旺盛期。她珍惜夕 阳的余辉,计划在有生之年再写三本书:《魍魉地狱》、《在严寒的日子里》和《风雪人间》。 她要把自己一生几个重要时期的经历和感受,把对人民的爱,对敌人的恨,都熔入笔端倾泻 在新作中。 Ⅱ.Translate the following into Chinese(75 分): What’s Your Best Time of Day? Most of us seem to reach our peak of alertness around noon. Soon after that, alertness declines, and sleepiness may set I by mid-afternoon. Your short-term memory is best during the morning---in fact, about 15 percent more efficient than at any other time of day. So, students, take heed: when faced with a morning exam, it really does pay to review your notes right before the test is given. Long-term memory is different. Afternoon is the best time for learning material that you want to recall days, weeks or months later. Politicians, business executives or others who must learn speeches would be smart to do their memorizing during that time of day. If you are a student, you would be wise to schedule your more difficult classes in the afternoon, rather than in the morning. You should also try to do most of your studying in the afternoon, rather than late at night. Many students believe they memorize better while burning the midnight oil because their short-term recall is better during the wee hours of the morning than in the afternoon. But short-term memory won‟t help them much several days later, when they face the exam. By contrast, we tend to do best oncognitive tasks---things that require the juggling of words and figures in one‟s head---during the morning hours. This might be a good time, say, to balance a checkbook. Your manual dexterity---the speed and coordination with which you perform complicated tasks with your hands---peaks during the afternoon hours. Such work as carpentry, typing or sewing will be a little easier at this time of day.