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第 1 页 共 4 页 空军工程大学 2011 年硕士研究生入学试题 考试科目:综合英语(A卷) 科目代码 882 说明:答题时必须答在配发的空白答题纸上,答题可不抄题,但必须写清题 号,写在试题上不给分; 考生不得在试题及试卷上做任何其它标记,否则试 卷作废,试题必须同试卷一起交回。 Ⅰ.Fillthe following blanks. (10 points) (1) The United States is honorablycalled “___________________”, a phrasecommonlyused to signifythemixture and assimilation of differentraces thathave immigrated intothe U.S. . (2) During the American Civil War, Lincoln took two important measures. One was the “____________________”, the other was “___________________________”. (3) During WWII, the Japanese advance was checked when the main force of the Japanese United Fleet was destroyed in _______________________ Battle, which was the turning point of thePacific War. (4) In the British political system, ________________________ is the head of state, while ___________________ is theheadof thegovernment. (5) As a rule, the leader of the majority party in ___________________ is the Prime Minister who is automatically appointed by theSovereign. (6) The description of a language at some point of time inhistory is a _____________ study; eh description of a languageas it changes throughtime is a______________study. (7) The ______________ view of meaning is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from or reducemeaningto observablecontexts. (8) T.S. Eliot’s _____________________ is a poem concerned with the spiritual breakup of a moderncivilization inwhich human life has lost its meaning, significance andpurpose. (9) “A heavyweight of hours has chainedand bowed Onetoo likethee: tameless, andswift, andproud,” Inthe above lines, “thee”refers to ___________________. (10) Whitman thought that the voice of democracy should not be limited by traditional forms verse. So he devised a poetic style which is now called _______________. His _________________ is generally considered to be the greatest romantic poetry in 19 th century American literature. Ⅱ.Answerthe following questions briefly. (20 points) (1) What arethemajor branches of linguistics? (2) Inthestudyof meaning, what is therelationshipbetweensenseandreference? (3) What is “The New Deal” initiated by Franklin D. Roosevelt? And what is its historical significance? (4) What is thetheme of the followingpoem? Fire andIce by Robert Frost Somesaytheworldwill end infire, Somesay in ice.