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考 试 时 间 : 3 小 时,150 分 (机 密) 华南农业大学 年硕士研究生入学考试试题 考试科目: 遗传学 用题专业: 遗传学 (考生注意:全部答案必须写在答卷纸上,写在试题上无效。答案要注明题号,不用抄 题。英文的名词解释需先写出中文的意思,然后再解释;英文题可以用中文回答,答卷纸封面需 填写自己的考生编号,并与试题一并交回。试题共3面) 一﹑名词解释(共8个;每个4分, 共32分) 1, Genetics and Genome; 2,连锁群与遗传图谱;3,基因加性效应与上位性效应; 4,等位基因与复等位基因;5,内含子与外显子;6,Genotype and phenotype; 7,Euploid and aeuploid 7, ;8,端粒与质粒 二﹑填空题(共4题;每题4分,共16分,) 1.A normal chromosome has the following gene sequence: ABCD EFGH Deternmine the chromosomal mutation illustrated by each of the following chromosomes: ① ABCD GH ② AMND EFGH ③ ABCD EFEFGH ④ ADCB EFEFGH 2.Triticum acestivum is an allohexaploid with 42(2n=6x) chromosomes. Answer the following questions: ① The number of chromosomes in gametes is: ② The number of one set of chromosomes is: ③ The number of chromsome of monoploid is: ④ The number of chromsome in trisomic is: 3.Give the name of the stages of mitosis or meiosis at which the following events occur: ①Chromosomes are located in a plane at the center of the spindle Mitosis: Meiosis: ②The chromosomes move away from the spindle equator to the poles Mitosis: Meiosis: 4.Consider a diploid organism that has three pairs of chromosomes. Assume that the organism receives chromosomes A, B, and C from the female parent and a, b and c from the male parent. To answer the following questions, assume that no crossing-over occurs. What expected proportion of different gametes: ① ABC: ② abc: ③ AbC: ④ abCC: (续下页) 三﹑分析和计算题(任选3题,每题10分,共30分) 1.a、b、d三个基因位于同一染色体上,让其杂合体与隐性纯合体测交,得到下列结果。 F1配子种类 实验值 页码,1/2 2013-07-16