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浙江师范大学 2009 年硕士研究生入学考试试题
科目代码: 851 科目名称: 英语写作
1、本科目适用专业:050201 英语语言文学、050211 外国语言学及应用语言学;
3、请填写准考证号后 6 位:____________。
I. Summary writing (40%)
Read the following passage and write a summary of it in around 100 words.
Two aspects of participants need to be taken into consideration in reading the
contextual grammar of speech situations: who they are and what roles they are taking.
Naturally, of course, the sheer number of participants is a significant aspect of any
communicative situation.
To begin with number first, any speech event needs to take into consideration the
number of participants even if just to know how to prepare the setting. A meeting of 200
people cannot be easily held in a conference room. It is equally true, but for a very
different reason, that a meeting of twenty people cannot be held in a large auditorium. In
arranging for an event such as a lecture or a sales presentation, most professional
communicators would prefer to arrange to have a space just a little larger than the
number of people would require. If the space is too small, people are made
uncomfortable since not everyone will be able to sit well or to see the main speaker or
presenter. On the other hand if the space is very much too large, people will tend to be
seated widely apart from each other and that will create a sense of isolation and social
Yet number is a relatively minor aspect of the study of participants. It is much more
important to know who the participants are and what roles they take. It is well known, for
example, that most governments have protocol offices whose job is to make sure that all
participants in government functions will be given just the right treatment. Seating at
state dinners, for example, is an important matter of correctly signifying the relative
positions of power and authority among the invited guests.
A second aspect, of equal importance, is to understand not just who the participants
are but what roles they are taking within the speech event. It is quite conmmon, for
example, for someone who is of major importance within a company or some other
organization to have what is an apparently insignificant role in an actual speech event.


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