1.a person you respect
2.a school friend
5.a special gift
6.a book you recently read
i were---
uce yourself
for your reference 两人一组,一组一组考,自我介绍每个人分别介绍,课文朗读教师抽一段学生一起朗读,话题讨论学生抽四张纸决定哪个单元,然后学生自由选择这一单元的一到两个问题讨论。两人一组,一组一组考,自我介绍每个人分别介绍,课文朗读教师抽一段学生一起朗读,话题讨论学生抽四张纸决定哪个单元,然后学生自由选择这一单元的一到两个问题讨论。
unit 1 enjoy your feelings! do people get angry? please give at least three reasons people get are most likely to be angry when treated unfairly, especially when we are betrayed by a close friend, or be tricked by people are looked down upon or treated with contempt, they will surely be people witness some injustices, they will get example, when we see a child being bullied by a group of hoodlums, it makes our blood are countless reasons people get remember wha。
aristotle said, “anybody can become angry—that is easy;but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way—that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy.”
makes you happy? are you happy when others are happy? happiness is with me greatest pleasure seem to come from hard-won example, when i work hard and pass an important examination, when i finish a difficult assignment, when i can have a good rest after a day’s hard work, when i am hungry and can have a big meal, when i have a promotion,...i will feel happiness is not limited to one's good fortune or i help someone indeed and bring him or her happiness, i'll probably feel incredibly are the ways you make yourselves happy, especially when you are depressed or upset? — i like to take a walk or jog when i am in a low se is better than tranquilizers for relieving anxiety and to think about the pleasant experiences you have had while walking or jogging.— i like to hum a song or listen to some music when you are in a low soothes even the savage beast.i usually do so when i feel lonely or s also find that music activates parts of the brain that produce ’s really is the happiest, saddest or the most depressed moment in your life? — one of the happiest moments in my life is when i stepped ont。
the train back home when i was away from home for more than half a year.i looked forward to the scenes of seeing my parents again, sharing my experiences of happiness and hardships with them, sitting around the table having dinner with them….i was really beside my self with joy at that time.— one of the happiest moments in my life is when i knew i was accepted by this dream came true at last.— one of the saddest moments in my life was when i got the news that my grandfather was seriously ill.i was far away from hometown and couldn’t get back to see i was home, he passed sadness was beyond description at that time.i am still sad mentioning this.—one of the depressed moments in my life was when i failed in the college entrance examination two years ago.i saw no hope in my life at that time.i wasn’t sure i could succeed the next year and worried about the ately i got better with my parents’ encouragement and 2 beauty can be bought. are the benefits from cosmetic surgeries ? cosmetic surgeries may effectively improve our improved features, one may find a better job, attract a more desirable spouse, and gain faster occupations attach great importance to actors, anchorpersons, and fashion models can be recognized by their is sometimes argued that by looking good, one tends to feel confidence, success is more likely to follow in any disadvantages are there in plastic surgery? there are quite a few disadvantages to have plastic surgeries.i have heard of a lot of reports about the side effects of plastic surgeries and surgery should not attempt to change our physical appearance by cosmetic means, which may bring unexpected disasters in the who receive botox injections to remove wrinkles may eventually ruin their surgical operations that are intended to make single-fold eyelids double fold actually make them multi-folded--not what the patient had in ’s worse, some institutions do not have the qualifications to make such surgical operations and this increases the possibilities of be careful when you intend to have a plastic is beauty? how do you understand it? beauty is an ne’s idea of beauty is refers not only to the beautiful appearance but also a kind heart, a brave heart, a generous is also a function of ideas about beauty make powerful impacts, they can become beauty evolve over time, and it seems like beauty is all trying to live up to is an endless ore different times or periods have different standards for the idea of our times and in some people’s eyes, beauty is just to follow the fashion and it exists in the pursuing of i don’t think so.i persist that true beauty comes from l beauty is the real beauty and natural materials should be enough to bring it what ways can people improve their appearance? some people just want to improve their looks in small may go on a diet to maintain a good figure, use makeup to improve their appearance, put a facial mask or a kin soother on their faces during the night, have their teeth straightened, or have their nails others have a face-lift to change their nose or chin, make their single-fold eyelids double folded, and have their skin tightened to smooth out wrinkles and crow's even inject botox to remove drastically, some people may have liposuction to remove it worthwhile for men to improve their appearance through cosmetic surgery? — have now take increasing responsibility for their own choices in health care and one aspect of this is the growth in cosmetic one can deny the intense competition in the business is often a perception, correct or not, that an older person is less up to date and an effort to remain young looking, isn’t it worthwhile for men to turn to cosmetic surgeries? if cosmetic surgeries make men look younger and more confident about themselves, it is quite worthwhile to do will probably have a new start and a new career.— of all, self-confidence shouldn’t come from a cosmeti。
if a man becomes the most handsome person in the world, he is not necessarily becoming the most successful is some risk for men to have cosmetic skin in men is thick, in the facial area contains hair and the blood supply is result is a greater risk of ches show that in general, men tend to be less happy with the results of cosmetic surgeries than older person has more wisdom and intelligence that the young do not you show your wisdom in work, it is not necessary for you to suffer the side effects of cosmetic your work requires you to become more young-looking, are you ready to have some cosmetic surgeries? everyone seems to want to look younger, be thinner, have a white。
smile or just be more is a i don’t follow the fashion, i will not look good in people’s why not have a change and make myself more cosmetic surgeries which is acceptable to me are face lift, nose lift, liposuction, teeth straightening, nose fixing, nose you had had a cosmetic surgery, would you keep it a secret from your parents or friends and colleagues, etc? why。
— yes.i wouldn't go public with the procedures.i would be embarrassed to tell people other than family and close friends about it.i have never considered which procedure fits me mostly.i may have a try when i am forty years knows? — no.i don’t mind telling my parents or friends that i had a face lift.i’d like them to share my pleasure of becoming more you like to follow the fashion in clothing? why or why not? i don’t like to follow the fashion.i don’t quite understand the fashion not have one’s own style and feature? some people, especially girls, are so indulged in following the fashion that they spend all their money on fashionable clothes even if they don’t really look good in are fashion all need to be comfortable with what we wear and what we long as our appearance is consistent with the image we would like to project, that’s quite 3 watch out when nature strikes you make a list of some natural disasters that you know about? can you describe them briefly? there are many kinds of natural disasters such as earthquake, flood, drought, forest fire, tsunami, snowstorm, blizzard, hailstorm, hurricane, typhoon, tornado, landslide, and volcanic earthquake is a sudden change or movement in the earth's crust, causing a moving and shaking of the ground.a flood can be caused by excessive rainfall or quick melting of the water overflows a river's banks, the nearby low-lying land is there is no rain for a long period of time, there is a drought: crops fail and people may die of thirst.a forest fire may be caused by lightning or human negligence(carelessness)--for example, a burning cigarette butt--or may destroy large forests.a tsunami is a giant wave that rolls onto the can be caused by a undersea earthquake, volcanic eruption or landslide.a snowstorm becomes a blizzard when the wind blows hard and visibility should be done when an earthquake suddenly strikes? the most important thing you should do when an earthquake strikes is to keep you are indoors, be sure to stand in doorway or crouch under a desk or well away from windows or glass, which is likely to be broken during an you are outside, you should stand away from buildings, trees, telephones and electrical you are driving on the road, be sure to drive away from underpasses and overpasses, and stop on a safe area and stay in your we overcome natural disasters? natural disasters are often so powerful that they cause widespread the face of the raging elements, man may seem r, there is a lot human beings can do to reduce the example, although the force of an earthquake is intimidating, we can construct quake-proof buildings and avoid dangerous quake prevent flooding, we have built dykes, dams and reservoirs, and many potential floods have been dams and reservoirs can also be used to fight a drought by allowing the irrigation dry a last resort, we can choose to evacuate a disaster-prone fact, human beings have achieved remarkable success in overcoming natural do you think is the main cause of the increasing frequency of such climate disasters as earthquake, drought and flood? and what should people do facing the devastating climate? possible reasons for climate disasters or extreme weather: greenhouse effect / global warming / fossil fuels / sea level rises...actions to stop climate disasters: to arouse the public's environment awareness / reduce the number of air air-conditioners / plant more trees and stop deforestation / reduce the emission of waste gasses / protect wildlife / do more recycling / avoid war / conserve natural resources / lessen pollution / implement sustainable development / drive less... you describe the worst storm you remember。
unit 4 is work just another four-letter word? is your ideal job after your graduation? you choose a job, what will you take into consideration? salary / promotion / working condition / flexible time / competence / opportunity you had gained a big fortune, would you still work? do you regard your job just as a means of getting money to do the things that you want to do? it is not just a means of getting money to do the things that i want to work is important to me and my future happiness and is a combination of both these bosses employ and promote only relatives or those who come from their are the advantages and disadvantages of this hiring practice? hiring people he is familiar with does offer the boss people are usually willing to work hard and are loyal to the boss, who often entrusts them with such important responsibilities as being a financial manager or human resources r, the disadvantages inherent in a family business outweigh the begin with, it is not always easy to find a relative who can take up a highly technical position like a software development ly, if the boss's relative is a director, other staff will quickly realize their chances of promotion are slim and will lose the motivation to work hard or work for another still, if relatives turn against the boss, they would bring about extremely severe consequences to the company since they often know many company secrets。
should be given priority in education? knowledge, skills or creativity? why ? how can schools and colleges encourage creativity in students?
do people get depressed? is there any connection between depression and bad luck? can depression be overcome? a boss employs or promotes people, what may be the chief consideration: their education or their practical ability?
finishing undergraduate studies, would you like to find a job or pursue a postgraduate degree? why?
you think music can affect people’s lives, for example, to calm people, to cheer them up, or to increase efficiency? measures should we take to prevent drunk driving?
a student is afraid of speaking english in front of other people, what suggestions can you give? you could change one thing about yourself, what would that be? do you understand the term “globalization”? is globalization making the world better or worse? why?
you agree the longer you know people the more you are puzzled by them? explain.话题1
1、i think
when somethting that is not expected to happen has happened or when someone encounters unexpected things such as something lost or family member dead,people usually get angry or depressed.2、yes,another ,if you have too much pressure on work ,you might easily get angry or depressed.3、but i think there are several steps to control your emothion:first,be happy everyday,which give you ease mind;second,smile often,which gives you a bright emage to you make others happ。
4、but。.in that case,there is few possibility to get angry or depressed;,i think do body exercise,which offers your body and your mind a prescious opportunity to get relaxed
5、yes,and;finally,live a healthy life,such as eating heathy food,getting up early and going to bed early, makes you energetic you do as what i just said,it is very difficult for you to get angry or depressed 话题2 a:do you agree or disagree with the following statement? to achieve success, knowledge learned through study is more important than the ability of creativit。
b:when people achieve success, they always ascribe it to the ability of r, as far as i am concerned, to achieve success, knowledge learned through study is more important than the ability of s without learning knowledge is almost impossible.c:to begin with, studying knowledge provides us for basic skills that we need to function in our school, we learn how to speak and write and understand mathematical is all information we need to live in our communities and earning a living.i can’t imagine that how can we possess the ability of creativity without these basic skills.d:also, learning knowledge makes the way to a student for he works hard and master what taught by his teachers well, he can get high scores in the the student, getting high scores is a course, i don’t mean that the ability of creativity is not important.e:but i think creativity is more can save a lot of time and spend that time and efforts doing betters things.a:on the contrary, we should learn to study that case, we can save a lot of time and effort, and spend that time and effort doing other better y, the ability of creativity is on the basis of the knowledge learned through study.b:on one hand, knowledge we learned let us know how to create and where we can create;on the other hand, knowledge learned through study decreases the probability of making can focus our attention on some particular aspects.话题3。
ys, college students' employment is a severe some college students couldn’t find a job ,but some high school graduate can get a job why some people work for a while,but they still couldn’t be promoted by boss?what is the chief consideration of boss, their education or their practical ability? 2.i think education is more is the basis of the t high education ,it is impossible for us to acquire the high-tech ys, education is the most appropriate standard to judge a high education ,the person always is companies are impossible to employ a person who can't speak english needs a good education.3.i agree with your opinion completely.i think if you never be educated ,can you know the knowledge and put it into the practice?when you don’t know anything at work ,you will take many many mistakes and you will quickly be modern society,knowledge is you own enough knowledge can you have more chance to find good job or be promoted by boss.4.i don’t completely agree with you education is just a certificate ,just a paper,can't prove ence is more important.a girl who has high education but has no experience at all and can't do things you employ her?before being a formal member of a company,we have to be trained for a period of means experience is very important..without high education,there still are peopele to be wiouthout experience ,you can't be a boss.5 from my perspective, both of them should be taken into nowadays, most employers emphasize more on candidates' education background when they decide to hire e they believe that with higher education, those candidates may be superior to those with lower education, and they have those abilities to make great achievements.话题4 modern society, what course to follow or to take when we graduate? going to find a job or pursuing a postgraduate degree is a hot both have their advantages and example, going to find a job can let one enter the society in advance and reduce parents’t pursuing a postgraduate degree can increase one’s cultural knowledge and knowledge is let us discuss ne can talk about own opinions.2 i think in the society we can learn in college courses can't learn can also gain some useful experience to approach can improve our practical ability from the you fail to pursue a postgraduate degree,you will lose the better chance to look for the job..pursuing a postgraduate degree is a hard you sure when you after pursuing a postgraduate degree ,you can find a good job? it may take some risks.3 year,i agree with your student prefer to look for a favorable job,which they can gain useful experience that they can’t get from they move on to a higher level job one day,then, they will already have experience in that field, at work, they can give full play to their practical abilities,and may be promoted to department manager by the time their classmates complete their master’s degree program.4.i don’t think the contrary.i think pursuing a postgraduate degree can gain higher education is benefit for you to find a better job in the we college students go to find a job harder and ng a postgraduate degree is a good we all know, knowledge is gh not everything you learn will be directly applicable at work, knowledge does improve your character the long run, those who acquire more knowledge will benefit from it.5 it depends i e of the severe job marketing, it is wise for us to continue to receive higher education and pursue a postgraduate degree, and it is a remarkable choice at any r, as an adult, it is high time we should be independent and try to make a living all by should be grateful for our parents for raising us all these years, and be responsible for ourself.话题5 1 everybody likes we walk we listen to music;when we work, we listen to music;and even when we sleep, we listen to we human beings are so obsessed about music? i think the reason is is the most wonderful thing in the world, it is not limited to space, and not limited to the time, but the perfect combination of can also affect our lives, for example, to calm us, to cheer us up, or to increase ng classical music is safe, cheap and easy way to beat people who suffer from insomnia find that bach music helps chers have shown that just 45 minutes of relaxing music before bedtime can make for a restful ng music reduces sympathetic nervous system activity, decreases anxiety, blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate and may have positive effects on sleep via muscle relaxation and distraction from thoughts.3 i think adds color to our daily t music, what the world would be? in today world, music is can cheer us up when we are also is a good matter how many friend do you have, you still sometimes feel 's why people turn to music for to music let us no longer lonely.4 you are all s tend to hum a soothing lullaby instead of a military march to their a sports meeting ,the music is often is a painfully slow serenade reapect to the issue of effciency, i'm afraid it is rather a few students prefer to listen to a walkman or a diskman while they are doing thier the other hand, many demand absolute silence before they can concentrate on their academic work.5 to sum up, we human beings all love music,because it can make us more logist julius portnoy found that music can change metabolic rates, increase or decrease blood pressure, effect energy levels, and digestion, positively or negatively, depending on the type of g music, such as classical music was found to have a very calming effect on the body, and cause the increase of endorphins, thirty minutes of such music was equal to the effect of a dose of hemispheres of the brain are involved in processing music in these studies is not the “lyrics”, but the music itself, the melody, the tones, the tunes, the rhythm, the chords.话题6 1 according to a recent survey, there are a growing number of traffic accidents which are most caused by drunk is awful agony and torment not only for drivers ,but for ore, what should we do to prevent it.2 first response is to usually argue with this intoxicated person and tell them that they are too drunk to the person says something like “ i only had a few, i feel fine.”.so how do you argue logic with someone who has been drinking? with physical 's why we endorse the use of the legal limit breathalyzer key chain, it gives you physical proof that the person is no longer in an un-winnable battle of wills that will just delay the person and make them upset(which could be even more dangerous)3 here are my , drunk drivers should be punished more severely in order to convince people not to drink and , it needs more strict measures to catch drunk holes should be closed to ensure those with special power such as officials, rich people cannot escape the rule of laws.4 actually , every person can do instance, as a bartender or server you are involved and you have a moral obligation to take care of the people you serve and profit people drink, they lose the ability to make good decisions as well as their reflexes and you should help them get that way.5 you also have an obligation to protect innocent people from any bad customer who you served before before he/she sobers up.a little effort on your part can really make a would you feel if one of your customers drove drunk and killed a woman and her baby? all in all, everyone of us have an obligation to prevent the drunken ’s time to action.话题7 1 speaking is the skill that language learners will be judged upon most in real-life is an important part of everyday interaction and most often the first impression of a person is based on his ability to speak fluently and comprehensibly.a lot fo students have the problem that they are afraid of speaking english in front of we meet this situation,what can we do? i think everyone has his own we will tell you some suggestions about it.2 first of all,believe youself,it's the most important you get enough confidence,you can begin to do in front of other people is nothing big deal,expressing what you get on your mind will let others know more about you,then you can make friends with lots of other people ne needs to improve himself, but there is a long way to just do your best to change yourself.3 what is more,it is an excellent opportunity for you to show your english skills,then you can improve about the situation there is only you,yourself, in front of others,which every small mistake you make will be seen this case,you must be more careful and pay more attention to the speak out what you want to say,and show yourself!you'd better practice you englisn after class,this is a necessity for the one who is afaid of speaking englisn in front of must make up most of time in ng some programmes using english or listening the voa,you will find english is not very terrible but very interesting.5 before you speak,you can take a deep break,and then smile to tell yourself:you is the best one!(i thingk if you do that you cannot nervous)be more h is easy to if you want to learn it well,you must open your mouse widely in front of action right no。
9/10 1 speaking is the skill that language learners will be judged upon most in real-life is an important part of everyday interaction and most often the first impression of a person is based on his ability to speak fluently and comprehensibly.a lot fo students have the problem that they are afraid of speaking english in front of we meet this situation,what can we do? i think everyone has his own we will tell you some suggestions about it.2 first of all,believe youself,it's the most important you get enough confidence,you can begin to do in front of other people is nothing big deal,expressing what you get on your mind will let others know more about you,then you can make friends with lots of other people ne needs to improve himself, but there is a long way to just do your best to change yourself.3 what is more,it is an excellent opportunity for you to show your english skills,then you can improve about the situation there is only you,yourself, in front of others,which every small mistake you make will be seen this case,you must be more careful and pay more attention to the speak out what you want to say,and show yourself!you'd better practice you englisn after class,this is a necessity for the one who is afaid of speaking englisn in front of must make up most of time in ng some programmes using english or listening the voa,you will find english is not very terrible but very interesting.5 before you speak,you can take a deep break,and then smile to tell yourself:you is the best one!(i thingk if you do that you cannot nervous)be more h is easy to if you want to learn it well,you must open your mouse widely in front of action right no。