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写作思路训练 3:30写作(四篇)

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写作思路训练 3:30写作(四篇)


写作思路训练 3:30写作篇一



dear sirs,we owe your name to the first commercial bank at your end, through whom we understand that you are well experienced in the export of engineering equipment with take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as one of the importers buying various kinds of machines......upon receipt of......, we shall see what items are of interest to us and pass our enquiries to anticipate the pleasure of hearing from you in the near future.2、资信调查信函的写作步骤及常见表达方式:


they state that they have done business with you for the past two years and have given us the name of your company as a reference.(他们向我们表示,他们在过去的两年中与您有过生意来往,并且指定贵公司作为他们的证明人。)


we should be very grateful to you for any information you can give us about their reputation and credit-worthiness.(我们非常感激您能给予我们有关他们的声誉和资信情况的情报。)we should be obliged if you would let us know if …(如果您能告知我们……,我们将不胜感谢。)


any information we receive from you will, of course, be held in strict confidence.(我们从您处收到的任何信息定会严加保密。)



开头句直切主题------告知对方信息来源,表明做某种商品交易的意愿.e read your advertisement in the latest china foreign trade and are interested in chinese silk piece goods.结尾句强调主题-----请对方尽快回信反馈所需要的信息。e hope to hear about your quotations soon.4、报盘的业务思路及信的安排



开头句表达谢意-------对对方某月某日的来函谈到对本公司商品赶兴趣表示感谢;或告知对方本公司现有某种数量、质量以及价格具有吸引力的商品。e are pleased to receive your fax of april 9 asking for the toy samples and the pricelist.结尾句用促销语句激励对方订货。eg.i hope you wil find our prices favourable for the good quality shoes.5、主动报盘业务思路及信的安排


开头句告知对方可提供具有一定优势、可以得到优惠的某种商品。e have recently bought from the producers various ranges of high quality table cloth at low prices.结尾句:促进销售----以优惠条件鼓励对方继续联系或订货。 you are interested,please contact our office in would be plesased to servi you.6、要求降价的还盘业务思路及信的结构安排


开头句----还盘信都是回信,要求降价的还盘信要感谢对方的报盘,接着表达不能接受报价的歉意。 you for your offer of may 15 but regret that your prices are too high.结尾句----强调希望继续磋商的愿望。e hope to receive your early reply.7、拒绝降价的还盘业务思路及信的结构安排


开头句----拒绝降价的还盘信要感谢对方的还盘,表达不同意降价的歉意。 we very much thank you for your fax of july 22, we feel regretful there is no possibility of offering you lower prices.结尾句----希望对方考虑、尽早收到订单、尽管没成交争取以后机会的合作等愿望。e are still looking your orders.8、作出降价让步的还盘业务思路及信的结构安排


开头句----作出降价让步的还盘信首先感谢对方的还盘,复述对方有关价格的意见.e, are pleased to receive your cable of october is informed that your price for the goods is too high to work on.结尾句敦促对方早日下订单。we are waiting for your early reply.9、要求提价的还盘业务思路及信的结构安排


开头句----回信应告知对方要上调价格,表达涨价的歉意。 regret to inform that increase in our prices for the products are unavoidable as the materials have kept rising in the past few months.结尾句----提醒价格上涨是趋势而且库存较紧张,说服对方继续订货。 the heavy demand has brought low stock level of our goods, we advise you to accept our prices soon.10、接受邀请函的思路及信的结构安排


信的开头应向对方表示谢意,并表示愿意与对方建立业务关系,同时表示愿意按对方的要求寄上相应的产品目录或价目表。信末要说明自己的保证与承诺,以确保对方对本公司的信任,为了树立良好的信誉,在答复信函时应注意:及时、礼貌和完整。dear sirs,we thank you for your letter of 5th this month,and shall be glad to enter into busineaa relations with ing with your request,we are sending you......payment should be made by an irrevocable and conformed letter of you find business possible,please contact us for dffers.

写作思路训练 3:30写作篇二






















写作思路训练 3:30写作篇三


people think that it is beneficial for students to go to private secondary schools, but other people think that it can have a negative s the two points and give your own opinion?


academic and extracurricular programs

r classroom size

dual attention from teachers

teaching to suit students, it may have one-to-one tutorial

sional teaching staff, have expertise in teaching and disciplining students

dropout rates and less on-campus violence


n fees are astronomical, they are unaffordable for much of the population

ts show off material wealth, it may lead to polarization among students

ts feel superior to others, it may result in disrespect to other members of society or even seems that with the increase in use of mobile phones and computers, fewer people prefer to write the skill of writing disappear completely? 写作技能消失的理由:

, time is phones and computers increase the proportion of oral communications, and they improve the efficiency and no longer focus on the writing skills or techniques, but the convenience and high speed.写作技能不会消失的理由:

, text message and letter are different forms of communication, so it requires the senders use language properly, and convey messages clearly and though people choose email or cell phone to send message, they still need to pay attention to the technique of as providing adequate explanation, arranging and expressing thoughts logically, giving correct and complete details, using neutral or warm tone, maintaining interest by varying vocabulary and sentence of these are the writing skills and techniques.3.a country becomes more interesting and develops more quickly when its population includes a mixture of nationalities and what extent do you agree or disagree?


ence has shown that a society with different cultures encourage racial and ethnic harmony and cross-cultural understanding, and discourage hatred, discrimination and ulturalism ensures that all citizens can keep their identities, can take pride in their ancestry and have a sense of encourages people to integrate into the society and take an active part in its social, cultural, economic and political kind of multi-cultural country gives people a feeling of security and self-confidence, making them more open to and accepting diverse cultures.多元文化的不利之处:

existence of widely differing views, values and mindsets make balancing diversity and unity even more , religious and ethnic intolerance and disharmony may lead to violence and have different expectation for people prefer to do the same job for the same company, and some people rather than change the job the advantages outweigh the disadvantage?


the present job cannot make the best use of one’s ability, improve skills and gain new ing job can make a person acquire a wide array of technical skills, and enhance his/her terms of career survival, there is no room for complacency, everyone should take on challenges and seize g the current employer will bring a person a sense of anticipation, and generate an enthusiasm to learn.换工作的坏处:

if a person changes his/her job, he/she have to adjust to the new /she may not get along well with new colleagues and nt job hopping reflects the job candidate’s lower resilience and loyalty, he/she may lack self individuals who change their jobs so often cannot have enough time to gain experiences and on-the-job skill, so the employers may not willing to hire gap of living in cities and the countryside is larger and are the reasons in your country and how to reduce the differences?


the income gap between urban residents and rural resident has resulted in the disproportion of wealth yside has lower access to education, and it causes higher l resources concentrated in cities, the eruption of disease leads to productivity yside lacks all kind of basic facilities and services, such as electricity and fuel supply, access to telephone and internet,解决方法:

the government should make preferential policies to boost rural invest more funds and human resource in the infrastructure, to improve roads, streets, enhance scientific and cultural quality of rural offer more job opportunities, and raise people think schools should select pupils according to their academic ability, and others believe pupils with different abilities should be educated s both views and give your opinion.分班教育:

ent children need varying degrees of will understand the material by themselves with minimum guidance, others need the lesson broken down into small will be the best if they are grouped by types and levels of their abilities and given different instructions are many difficulties in the realization: having troublemakers, learning disabled, and the gifted in the same classroom, too chaotic, time-consuming.*if we go too far with this kind of education, the educational system will finally end up in a chaos resulting from too much diversity of individual needs and interests.共同学习:

1.a classroom reflects the rich diversity of the heterogeneous classroom, the perspective, experiences, and backgrounds of all students are valued for enriching students collaborate, each individual has the opportunity to make a ne learns from everyone else.ts are exposed to a variety of types people which adds to their social can grow up to be more socially competent ing students with academic performance is in itself a kind of students identified academically “inferior” and divided into a lower-class might live their entire lives in this only will they get laughed at by their academically “superior” peers, but their parents or even the kids themselves will think of themselves order to learn a language well, we should also learn about the country as well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak what extent do you agree or disagree?


understanding one culture can facilitate the learning of a can apply language on various social occasions

it can motivate the enthusiasm of the learners

develop cross-cultural communication skills and sensitivity

deeper understanding of the local culture and lifestyle of the ge is more than rules, syntax, and too little has been done to prevent animals and plants from dying out, although people have noticed this problem for a long have people failed to improve this situation? what are your suggestions?


lack environmental awareness, and they have no knowledge about the correlation of living species and are no enough technology and fund to establish perfect s and plants are treated as resources of human purpose.(such as food, clothes and other kinds of garnish)

population explosion results in shrinking space for habitats.解决方法:

ment should establish such organizations to raise fund, and provide financial aid for conservation can launch campaigns for animal welfare, and raise the consciousness of species sful sports professionals can earn a great deal more money than people in other important people think this is fully justified while others think it is s both these views and give your own opinion.体育明星拿高薪是正当的:

to the efforts and devotion, the medals and honors can be gained in national or even international benefit the society in their own way: popularize sports, present the notion of power, courage and have to retire when they are young, so high salary ensures that they can have good lives.认为不正当:

who take other significant jobs such as doctors, lawyers, teachers and scientists contribute considerably to the society, but they may not get high sports encourage people to experience violence, and set a bad example for the general sports stars become the mouthpiece of companies or product due to their attractive appearances or their reputation, they easily earn a great deal of money, it seems people said the government shouldn't put money on building theaters and sports stadiums;they should spend more money on medical care and or not disagree?


education can assist people to break the cycle of the government does not give financial aid to poor children, they may remain poor throughout their lifespan and even across education will improve productivities of individuals, so it will enhance the productivity of a has far-reaching effects on prosperity of a high quality and availability of health care will win the loyalty of local community.政府投资体育设施或歌剧院的好处:

art is essential to modern life, and it is central to a civilized and art provide a positive outlet for human and art meet human’s spiritual needs, and enhance our cultural life.

写作思路训练 3:30写作篇四








下面,结合申论考试的要求,谈几个方面的区别:第一,公文写作的标题是规范化的。除考试已经给出标题外,如果让考生自拟标题,一般情况下,标题的拟制要符合公文写作的一般要求,即按照“发文机关+事由+文种”方法拟制。第二,公文写作正文的前面,有的要加主送机关(俗称 “抬头”),有的要加称谓,如公开信。第三,公文写作的结尾模式化,通常称为结语,如“报告”中的“特此报告”,批复中的“此复”等。而这种结语在申论考试中一般是不作要求的。只是倡议书、公开信和宣传纲要这种宣传类的文书才会对结语有要求,这些文书通常需要有一个号召性的结尾。





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