庆北大学研究生留学条件 庆北大学研究生招生简章篇一
when : by jun. 26(fri)
required documents
① original copy of bank statement (in english) or certificate stipulating that the applicant will receive a scholarship from an institution other than knu.
· non-scholarship applicants: submit bank statement showing more than usd 13,000
· scholarship beneficiaries: submit bank statement showing more than usd 7,000
※ no bank statement is required if an academic advisor submits a certificate of financial support.
② employment certificate and certificate of income from a financial guarantor.
※ no certificates are required if an academic advisor submits a certificate of employment.
庆北大学研究生留学条件 庆北大学研究生招生简章篇二
对象 : 最终通过的申请者
时间 :
①没有外国人登录证或已经毕业的合格申请者 : 7月 3日(星期五)截止
②已经具有外国人登录证的或7月3日后毕业的合格申请者: 8月 31日(星期一)截止
所需文件:成功的申请者应提交①、 ②、 ③ 所需文件之一
① 之前认证的学术文件 (成绩单、 毕业证书等)
② 通过在其他国家的韩国大使馆或韩国大使馆验证
③ 中国学位与研究生教育发展中心的确认 (仅限有中国大学学位的申请者)
※ 从韩国的大学毕业的申请人可以提交学位证原件。
庆北大学研究生留学条件 庆北大学研究生招生简章篇三
① 对象 : 录取委员会审查通过者
② 时间 : 6月26日(星期五)截止
③ 所需材料 :
- 自费生: 13,000美元以上的银行存款证明
- 奖学金生: 7,000美元以上的银行存款证明
※ 通过者中能提交本校预定指导教授签字的生活费补助确认书者,可以不提交上述证明
※ 通过者中能提交本校预定指导教授签字的生活费补助确认书者,可以不提交上述证明。
庆北大学研究生留学条件 庆北大学研究生招生简章篇四
for whom : final successful applicants
① successful applicants don't have an arc or already graduated from their universities by :jul. 03(fri)
② successful applicants who have an arc or have graduated from their universities after jul. 03, by : aug.31(fri)
required documents : successful applicants should submit one of ①, ②, ③ required documents
① apostille certificate of your previous academic documents(transcripts, diploma, etc.)
② verified by the korean embassy in other countries or the embassy in korea
③ confirmation from the china academic degree & graduate education development center (only for applicants who hold a degree from universities in china)
※ applicants who graduated from universities in korea can submit original certificate of degree.
庆北大学研究生留学条件 庆北大学研究生招生简章篇五
1. 所有的材料应该为韩语或英语,其他语言则必须提交带有英语或韩语版的公证书。
2. 若发现提交的材料有虚假情况,将被取消申请资格。
3. 应届毕业生提交毕业预期证明,在knu第一个学期开学前必须补交毕业证原件。
4. 国际事务办公室不承担因不正确联系信息(如地址,电话)而取消的申请。
5. 如果没有签证或者被拒签导致不能入境,则将被取消入学资格。
6. 奖学金获得者无需提交财政担保有关材料,但必须提交奖学金支付机构所颁发的该学生在授课期间所有学费的预定支付证明。
7. 报名费和提交的材料一律不予返还。(毕业证原件在入学审查结束后会予返还。)
庆北大学研究生留学条件 庆北大学研究生招生简章篇六
※ 支付申请费之后无法修改网上填写的内容
important notes for applicants
1. all documents should be in korean or english. documents in another language should be accompanied by a notarized korean or english translation.
2. if any required documents are found to be false or counterfeit, your application will be canceled.
3. any applicant submitting a certificate of expected graduation must submit the original copy of the graduation certificate before beginning their first semester at knu.
4. the office of international affairs is not responsible for application cancellation due to incorrect contact information (such as address and phone number).
5. if an applicant’s visa is not issued or is rejected his or her application will be canceled.
6. applicants receiving a scholarship from another institution are not required to submit a certificate of financial guarantee; however, they must submit a certificate/letter from the institution confirming that they will pay your tuition during your period of study at knu.
7. no submitted documents or application fees will be returned to the applicant. (original copies of certificates of graduation will be returned after the screening process is completed.)