外国传统文学总结报告 西方传统文学篇一
beowulf 1. old and medieval (约 geoffrey 5 世 纪 chaucer ~1485) 乔叟 edmund spencer 斯宾塞 thomas more 2. the 摩尔 english francis bacon renaissance( 培根 15 世纪后期 至 17 世 纪 初) 文艺复兴 christopher marlowe 马洛 the national epic 史诗 of the english people “the father of english poetry” and “the father of english fiction”; canterbury tales《坎特伯雷故事集》 “the poets’ poet”; the faerie queen《仙后》 prose writer; utopia《乌托邦》 the founder of english materialist philosophy(唯物主义哲学); the first essayist in england; of studies《论学习》, of travel and of wisdom,the advancement of learning
playwright; the tragic history of doctor faustus 《浮士德》 the jew of malta《马耳 ,
ωκεαν william shakespeare 莎士比亚 the greatest english playwright, and one of the founders of realism in english literature; he wrote 37 plays (16 comedies, 11 tragedies and 10 historical plays), 154 sons 十 四 行 诗 and some long poems. the great comedies: a midsummer night’s dream, the merchant of venice, as you like it, twelfth night; the great tragedies: hamlet, othello, king lear, macbeth; major historical plays: henry iv, henry v. the greatest poet in the revolution period 大革命时期; paradise lost 《 失 乐 园 》 , paradise regained《复乐园》, samson agonistes
john milton 弥尔顿 3. the 17th century english literature 新 古典主 义 派
john bunyan 班扬 john dryden 德莱顿 prose writer; the pilgrim’s progress《天路历程》 writer and poet, the most notable representative of english classicism in the restoration period 王朝复辟时期; all for love《一切为了爱情》, antony and cleopatra alexander pope the representative writer of the 亚历山大.蒲伯 neo-classical school(新古典主义学派) the rape of the lock 卷发遭劫记》 an 《 , essay on man《人论》 odyssey《奥 , 德赛》 samuel neo-classical writer; a dictionary of the english language, johnson lives of poets danniel defoe realist novelist; “father of english and european 笛福 novels”’ robinson crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》 jonathan swift realist novelist; 斯威夫特 guilliver’s travel《格列佛游记》
4. the 18th century english literature
外国传统文学总结报告 西方传统文学篇二
ωκεαν samuel taylor a great poet and a literary critic; lyrical ballads: joint work by coleridge wordsworth and coleridge, in which the 泰勒 best know poem by coleridge is the rime of the ancient mariner《古舟子
咏》 。
george cordon poet; byron childe harold’s pilgrimage《恰尔德-哈 拜伦 罗德游记》, don juan《唐璜》 percy bysshe poet; shelley prometheus unbound 《解放了的普罗米 雪莱 修斯》 ode to the west wind , 《西风颂》 , ode to a skylark《云雀颂》 john keats poet; 济慈 ode on a grecian urn《希腊古瓮颂》, ode to a nightingale 《夜莺颂》 , to autumn《秋颂》 charles lamb the best essayist in the age; 兰姆 tales from shakespeare《莎士比亚故事 集》, old china walter scott novelist; 司各特 ivanhoe 《伊凡赫》 ,the lady of the lake
6. english critical realism(19 世 纪四五 十 年代) 1837~1901 维 多利亚 时 代 是英国 历 史 上最为 光 辉 灿烂的 盛 世。 charles dickens 狄更斯 novelist; pickwick papers 《匹克威克传》, oliver twist《雾都孤儿》, the old curiosity shop 《老古玩店》 dombey and son , 《董 贝父子》, david copperfield《大卫科 波菲尔德》, great expectations《远大 前程》, a tale of two cities《双城记》 hard times《苦难时世》 novelist; vanity fair《名利场》
william makepeace thackery 萨克雷
ωκεαν novelists; charlotte bronte: jane eyre emily bronte: wuthering heights anne bronte: agnes grey《艾格尼丝格雷》 novelist; jane austin pride and prejudice, sense and 简-奥斯丁 sensibility, emma george eliot novelist; 艾略特 the mill on the floss 《弗洛斯河上的磨 坊》, silas marner《织工马南》 naturalism oscarwilde: the representative among ( 自 然 主 义 ) , the writers of aestheticism and new-romantici decadence; the picture of dorian gray, the sm ( 新 浪 漫 主 happy prince 义 ) , aestheticism (唯美主义) , decadence (颓废派主义) thomas hardy novelist; 哈代 the mayor of casterbridge《卡斯特桥 市长》, tess of the d’urbervilles《德伯 家的苔丝》, jude the obscure《无名的 bronte sisters 布朗特姐妹
7. late 19th century english literature
8. the 20th century english literature bernard shaw 肖伯纳 dramatist;生于爱尔兰,曾获诺贝尔文 学奖,著名的幽默大师,社会主义者 man and superman 《人与超人》 major , barbara 《巴巴拉少校》 pygmalion , 《皮 革麦林》;arms and man《武器与人》 ; the devil’s disciple 《魔鬼的门徒》 william butler irish poet and playwright;生于爱尔兰, yeats 1923 年诺贝尔文学奖获得者 叶芝 sailing to byzantium 《驶向拜占庭》the , second coming, leda and swan《丽达
外国传统文学总结报告 西方传统文学篇三
2、意大利文学 但丁(1265-1321)《神曲》
(六)启蒙文学德国:歌德《浮士德》《少年维特之烦恼》 席勒《阴谋与爱情》(剧本)法国:孟德斯鸠《波斯人札记》 卢梭《忏悔录》
(七)浪漫主义文学英国: 拜伦《唐璜》(诗体小说) 笛福《鲁滨孙漂流记》 雪莱《西风颂》(诗)《致云雀》法国: 雨果《巴黎圣母院》《悲惨世界》《九三年》 福楼拜《包法利夫人》美国: 惠特曼《草叶集》(诗集)