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Part I Reading Comprehension (45 points)
Section A
In this section there are three passages followed by a total of fifteen multiple-choice
questions. Read the passages carefully and then answer the questions. (30 points)
Text A
For much of the world, the death of Richard Nixon was the end of a complex public life.
But researchers who study bereavement wondered if it didn’t also signify the end of a private
grief. Had the former president merely run his allotted fourscore and one, or had he fallen
victim to a pattern that seems to afflict longtime married couples: one spouse quickly following
the other to the grave?
Pat, Nixon’s wife of 53 years, died last June after a long illness. No one knows for sure
whether her death contributed to his. After all, he was elderly and had a history of serious heart
disease. Researchers have long observed that the death of a spouse particularly a wife is
sometimes followed by the untimely death of the grieving survivor. Historian Will Durant died
13 days after his wife and collaborator, Ariel; Buckminster Fuller and his wife died just 36
hours apart. Is this more than coincidence?
“Part of the story, I suspect, is that we men are so used to ladies feeding us and taking care
of us,” says Knud Helsing, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins School of Public health,
“that when we lose a wife we go to pieces, We don’t know how to take care of ourselves.” In
one of several studies Helsing has conducted on bereavement, he found that widowed men had
higher mortality rates than married men in every age group. But, he found that widowers who
remarried enjoyed the same lower mortality rate as men who’d never been widowed.
Women’s health and resilience may also suffer after the loss of a spouse. In a 1987 study of
widows, researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles, and UC, San Diego, found
that they had a dramatic decline in levels of important immune-system cells that fight off
disease. Earlier studies showed reduced immunity in widowers.
For both men and women, the stress of losing a spouse can have a profound effect. “All
sorts of potentially harmful medical problems can be worsened,” says Gerald Davison,
professor of psychology at the University of Southern California. People with high blood
pressure, for example, may see it rise. In Nixon’s case, Davison speculates, “the stroke,
although not caused directly by the stress, was probably hastened by it.” Depression can affect


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