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浙江工商大学 2005 年硕士研究生入学考试试卷(A)卷 招生专业:外国语言学与应用语言学 考试科目:翻译与写作 考试时间:3 小时 Part Translation(90%) 1、Translate the Following into Chinese(25%) He began to collect books and soon he had an immense library. His legal training had taught him to read quickly. He settled down to work. At first he had been accustomed to foregather in the evening with the painters, Writers, and such like who met in the little tavern near the Piazza, but presently he withdrew himself, for his absorption in his studies became more pressing. He had been accustomed to bathe in that bland sea and to take long walks among the pleasant vineyards, but little by little, grudging the time, he ceased to do so. He worked harder than he had ever worked in Detroit. He would start at noon and work all through the night till the whistle of the steamer that goes every morning from Capri to Naples told him that it was five o’clock and time to go to bed. His subject opened out before him, vaster and more significant, and he imagined a work that would put him forever beside the great historians of the past. As the years went by he was to be found seldom in the ways of men. He could be tempted to come out of his house only by a game of chess or the chance of an argument. He loved to set his brain against another’s. He was widely read now, not only in history, but in philosophy and science; and he was a skilful controversialist, quick, logical, and incisive. But he had good-humour and kindliness; though he took a very human pleasure in victory, he did not exult in it to your mortification. 2、Translate the Following into English(25%) 语言是心声,语言是表达自己的最主要的方式,世界上最痛苦的人是什么呢, 你知道吗?就是哑巴。儿歌是这样说的:‘娶媳妇干嘛,做鞋做袜,点上灯说话。’ 可见,人民群众千百年来已经性昨语言交流在夫妻生活中的重要性。可以说,说 话是婚姻的重要的、也许可以说是首要的内容。性关系也只有纳入语言交流的轨 道才显示了人性,失去了妻子或丈夫,也就是失去了说话的对象,失去了反响、 回声、共振、互补或者互相辩论互相斗争,多么孤独! 3、Translate the Following Business English into Chinese (15%) When a firm has a popular brand in a mature product category, there are many possible benefits. First, the product life cycle may be extended almost indefinitely. For example, Ivory soap, Lipton tea, Goodyear tires, and Coke are all market leaders; each is at least 85 years old. Second, the product provides the company with a large, loyal group of customers and a stable, profitable position in the market. Third, the risk of low customer demand is greatly reduced; this is a real risk for new products. Fourth, the company’s overall image and consumer recognition are enhanced. This may allow the firm to extend a popular name to other products. Fifth, there is more control over marketing efforts and more precision in sales forecasting. Sixth, mature products can be used as cash cows to support investments in new company products. However, marketing support must be continued if the mature product is to remain popular.