朱自清 背影
流泪 点
悲伤 望
感动 寻
追悔 忆
题目:i am watching tv
班级: 2008级英语师范2班
姓名: 张路阳
unit5 i’m watching tv
language object
this unit students learn to talk about what people are ts also learn to use the v-ing pattern in our daily ts manipulate the things and knowledge of “doing pattern “
language point
are you doing? i’m watching you want to go swimming? yes i do such as watching, doing, eating, cleaning, playing, swimming, reading on words such as pool, school, mall, library
section a
i hold some activities, and look at some pictures what i drew, and ask students the questions.“what is she doing?” guide them to
make appropriate response: for example, she is watching tv.1a: introduce some basic words
attention on the picture.(ask students to name as many of the activities they see in the picture as they name all the activities and ask students to answer.) out the numbered list of words.(say each one and ask students to repeat.) ask students to match each word or phrase with one of the pictures.(say, write the letter of each activity in the picture next to the correct word or words on the out the sample answer.。
the answers
1b: practice listening and writing
out the names of the people.(let students read names loudly.) to the tape about these three the
number of the activity each person is doing
the answers.1c: oral english with target language out the conversation in the picture of ze a dialogue with a student, point to a picture of one of the people, and guide the students to answer using one of the words in activity of 1a.2a: listen and write with target language out the two questions and read them to the to the tape and fill in the blanks besides the questions, and ask two students to answer them. the answer。
2b: listen and answer the questions in order with target language the four lines to students;explain that they are in the wrong they are in the right order, they will make a clear to the recording, and write the answers in the right order. the answers by replaying the two students to read the completed conversation.2c:provide speaking practice with groups of four students, and present the pictures to cause the students to think of the actions of the pictures(what are they doing).and then let the students ask and answer in pairs based on the picture on power point r focus talk about the rules of v+ing include formation, changes, and the changes of sentence pattern, and point out the difficulties and important grammatical points.3a:reading practice using the target language attention to each picture and ask question such as “what is he doing?。
to conversation a and conversation b, and conversation a is with one of these three pictures, and conversation b is with the other picture, and one picture has no students to read the conversations in te the task and check the answers.3b: oral english practice using target language point out the conversations in different pairs of student to read the conversation in front of whole most important thing is asking pairs of students to pretend themselves as the people in the pictures.4: oral practice using the target language the activity with the students by paying attention on the pictures and ask the students the questions under the students work in pairs and help them make some stories with the n b 1a: read and write practice using the target out the illustrations with the words under each one.(ask a student to read words under the pictures in the book) attention to the words of places and activities on the chart.(ask students, what of these words are activities? what words are places?。
an example guide students to answer “library “on the first line under places, and match the activity with the students to complete the chart, and check the answers.1b:guide oral practice using the target attention to the contents in the pictures.(ask two students to read) questions and answers like in the chart.2a and 2b: target languag。
listening and writing practice using the out the list of places in the chart in to the tape, and let students write down the the answers
2c: oral practice using the target attention to the complete charts in 2a and 2b and help students use the information to organize conversations. out the conversation in the speech bubbles in the students present their conversation.3a: reading practice using the target attention to the photos.(ask students to talk about what they wan to receive any logical statements about the pictures。
students to read the letter and ask students to underline the “ing” the answers.3b: writing practice using the target language attention to the letter and point out that it contains several blank the letter to the each time i come to a blank students complete this letter to bob the answers
3c: providing a chance for the open writing using the target language students bring a photo from family or ask students to draw pictures of family members doing what they usually student what you might say about your students to write sentences about their own
e open oral practice using the target out the picture in which students are looking at some photos and ask two students to have the conversation to the students to share their pictures and composition with other students around check students to make a comprehensive review and check all the words what they know and not students to write down the new words in their students to complete the story with present progreive sio。
let students know and use present progreive tense in their daily life through the whole cla, and get more interest and fun from my last, we need to solve problem of this cla and reach the cla objectives.
由于以前我们学过朱自清先生的文章,相信对他也有一些了解,有没有同学起来给大家介绍一下你对作者的了解?(答案; 朱自清,字佩弦,号秋实。
2、全文共写到父亲几次背影?表达了什么中心? 谁来回答第一个问题?(问题1答案:⒈父子浦口送别)。
5】板书内容 :①奔丧见父-点题背影-难过之泪 ②望父买橘-描绘背影-感动之泪 ③父子分别-背影消失-惜别之泪 ④北京思父-在现背影-思念之泪 我们用简洁的语句来说就是: 父疼子,子爱父,——父子情深。看来同学们对课文还是比较熟悉的。那么我们来总结一下这几次背影要表达的中心。谁来总结一下?
分别为:⑴怀念父亲,惦记背影;有一种浓厚的感情气氛笼罩全文。⑵望父买橘,刻画背影; ⑶父子分手,惜别背影;⑷别后思念,再现背影。与文章开头呼应
这些都 体现了父亲对儿子的细心关照,周到入微。其中哪一件事最让你感动?为什么? 思考 回答:望父买橘见背影