1.the awareness of time
in the current competitive society, time is is treated as if it were something almost budget it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it, account for it;we also charge of is a precious resource and many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each do many people cherish time?
is considered to be a waste of time?
to make full use of time in our study?
2.environmental protection
in most part of the world, people don’t have consciousness about protection of the are interested in developing the economy at the sacrifice of the natural uently, the world is badly damaged and man is faced with many natural is high time that people take measures to protect the are most countries not concerned about environmental awareness。
are the main causes of pollution?
measures can we take to protect our environment?
3.pros and cons of mixed marriages
people often harbor reservations about a mixed marriage because racial and cultural differences may complicate the marriage r, still many people have harmonious and happy marriages across you mind marrying a person from a different culture or nation? why or why not?
to deal with the cultural difference in the interracial marriage?
factors do you think may lead to the failure in one’s marriage?
4.spoiling children
in most of the families, there is the only s pour all their love, energy and money to their children and try their best to satisfy their children’s a result, too much love is converted into spoiling, and spoiling children has become a serious social do parents spoil their children? please analyze are the negative influences of the spoiled children on the society。
to stop spoiling children for parents’ part?
5.what’s in a name?
the name is a signal that distinguishes a person from r, names have not merely identified people but also described often suggest or convey parents’ expectatons and dreams to their ’s in your name?
you think a person’s name is important? why or why not?
many factors should parents consider when giving a name to a baby?
6.relax or overwork
life is more demanding today than it ever has are greater pressures at work, and people often feel very and paly are the useful ways to outlet one’s negative to achieve a balance between life and work is a lesson we must causes stress?
to lighten stress?
to achieve a balance between life and work?
7.success in life
everybody yearns for personal success in this the cruel truth is that not everyone can be road to success is full of thorns, and only those who have a stong will and stick to their goal can ultimately arrive at their are the factors contributing to success in one’s life?
is your attitude toward failure?
you ever given up on something that you wish you had stuck to? what was it?
8.what if i could live again!
life is so valuable that almost everyone wants to live one has made some mistakes and is regretful for something, he or she will desire to live twice to mend his or her errors;if one lives very happily, he or she still will yearn for living was the most important event in your life?
was your worst memory?
was the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you?
9.illness and remedies
people wish to be healthy to enjoy their work and life, but to be a human, it is determined to get sick to cure illness and maintain fit are people’s major concern in their kind of diet do you often keep?
to live a healthy life?
physical problems do you have and how to cope with them?
10.accepting and declining invitations
people live in a society, and communication among them is very often participate in many social activities and make acquaintances and is your definiton of “friends”?
you don’t want to attend a party that your friend invites you to, what will you do?
do you think of interpersonal relationship in people’s life?
11.asking for and giving advice
peolple often come across difficulties and harsh problems in their work and that time, they often cannot make decisions by themslves and always resort to others for friends, people usually offer advice and suggestion to help their friends overcome their you come across problems, who is the first perosn you want to ask for advice。
the advie your friend has provided doesn’t seem good to you, how to turn down his or her advice without hurting his or her feeling?
you think the advice from others sometimes may hinder a person’s decision?
12.compare two ways of living
people often have different ways of example, some concentrate on work, while others play crazily as if it is the last moment of way of living reflects a person’s attitude towards in the city or living in the country, which one do you prefer?
s the relative advantages and disadvantages of living in the city or the country?
a student, living in the college dorm on campus or renting an apartment outside the campus, which one do you prefer?
topics for oral test 1.你知道转基因食物吗?你认为这对健康有害吗?what do you know
gm food? do you think it is harmful to health?
d: hey ,everybody,a few days ago,i read a paper that china have done several researchs on genetically modified foods and have eaten far as i am concerned,the united states is also favor of genetically modified foods , but europe is against them do you think of it?
l: well, i think it's a great idea to have genetically modified foods.d: really?why?
l: well, genetically modified plants may need fewer pesticides than normal example, there is a type of corn that is bad for insects——when the insects eat the corn plant, they r, the corn doesn’t hurt type of corn is beneficial because famers use fewer pesticides to grow the corn, and so there is less pollution in the the corn is less expensive because the farmers don’t have to spend a lot of money on , by using fewer pesticides the corn is cheaper and the environment is cleaner.h: yes, and there are two another benefits of genetically modified is that they may grow better than normal other one is that many genetically modified plants stay fresh longer after they are ’s more, because of its high yield, it increases the possibility of solving the global hunger do you think the gm foods are all safe。
y: well, there is no effects on human health have been shown as a result of the consumption of such foods by the general population in the countries where they have been far, there is little evidence that gm foods are harmful to r,there are some countries holding the opposite views.d: i firmly agree with hing has two sides, some european countries such as austria, their consumer groups oppose the sale of importing genetically modified food, they believe that genetically modified foods affect human europe, the government's attitude is, genetically modified food are social groups and organizations called for scientists to confirm the safety of genetically modified foods.y: yeah, what you said are my opinions, i prefer to eat the natural and common food rather than the gm gm food is mixed some additive genes into a new one by the transgenic technology so that the gm food has unknown effects to human beings if they eat it, such as: people will be allergic to the gm food because it have added some parts of gene which can make people allergic.h: objectively speaking, we can't simply label gm foods with good or bad , what we should do is to learn to view things with dialectical is to say, we should use the objective critical and inclusive vision to treat gm the development of technology, i firmly believe that someday the scientist will tell us whether genetically modified food is angle or a devil.2.有时候,当你从不同的角度观察同一件事物的时候,也许会变得不同。
你也这样认为么?sometimes, the same thing may seem to be different when it is observed from different perspectives? do you think so? share your experiences with your ’s your view about this question。
a:sometimes, the same thing may seem to be different when it is observed from different you think so?
b:yes,i totally agree with this you ever heard a classical story which reflecting two different attitudes toward the same thing? when looking at a glass with some water in it, people may respond may focus on the negative aspect and describe the glass as half empty;others may emphasize the positive aspect of it and regard it as half other words, people may hold completely different ideas about the same thing.c:i also agree with this two different answers to this question represent two different attitudes towards life--optimistic attitude and pessimistic e old saying indicates, “a blessing in disguise(塞翁失马焉知非福)”,it means :for a time, though it was lost, it would be good for it.d:yeah,the words remind me of an inspirational great inventor edison thomas have studied more than 8000 not suitable materials of filament, people asked him: “you have failed the 8000 times, what is the use for you to continue this research?” thomas edison said that i have not the contrary, i found more than 8000 not suitable material.a:i also appreciate edison's optimistic attitude towards another perspective, the thing is life, many people are easy to feel frustrated by meeting a bit of far as i am concerned, we need to change our perspectives and learn to keep positive and optimistic like edison when facing difficulties so that we can have more power to pursue our dreams.d:'s story has been encouraging me to be reading this story, i always be depressed when there were a lot of mistakes in the , now i will fell very lucky in this case, because these problems can be found in time before exam.c:oh , great!so, learn to change a point of view, life is full of hope and we all known, life doesn’t always run smoothly, but you have got to think there is no denying that most optimists have a high happiness index,which can hardly be experienced by pessimists.b:ng of which, i have a word to share with around, is another starting point, change an angle, you will find a different scenery!(转身,是另一个起点,换一个角度,你会发现不一样的风景!。
please give some advice about what we should do when faced with an epidemic.a:as[武汉天气不稳定,最近很多人感冒了,是吧?] we all known, the weather in wuhan is sometimes cold and sometimes hot, so , recently ,many people catch a cold, is it?
b: yeah, of like me.i've just recovered from a bad cold, i felt dizzy, and cough day and night。
c:i know that you had a bad time, there is no doubt that the flu is a common epidemic in our daily r, there are many other epidemics which is hard to be you show me an example?[我知道你渡过了一段难过的时间,毫无疑问流感是我们日常生活中的一种常见流行病。很容易治疗,吃药即可。但是还有很多流行病难以治疗,你们能列举几个例子吗?]
d:one example just appears in my mind, that is sars.i still remember it broke out in 2002, at that time, i was just in primary was like a strong tornado [tɔ:ˈneɪdəʊ] that swept the whole country and many people were killed by it.a: yes, i still remember that our life was disturbed and we had to stay at home during those tried our best to fight against the sars and help each ately, we took control of it by the end.b:ye]ah, another example occurs to me, is a vital [ˈvaɪtl] epidemic, and it caused by a virus(ˈvaɪrəs)called ’s more, it was first reported in 1980 in the us, the most common manifestation(症状)of aids include fever, vomiting ['vɒmɪtɪŋ], headache and so hiv is transmitted by 3 main routes, they are sexual, maternal [məˈtɜ:nl] and blood-borne.c:yeah,in addition, i know that aids will not infect through public facilities, and will not spread through shaking hands and a word, numerous epidemics break out, and they have caused the most disastrous impacts on us.d:yeah,you are the saying goes, prevention is better than that there are so many epidemics in our daily life, what should we do when faced with an epidemic, can you give us some advice。
a:oh,i know something about example, people could prevent catching a cold if they dress warmly and have a good rest when the winter many people get sick so that they have to spend much time and money in seeing a doctor.b: what’s more, i think we need to clean our dormitory every ’s more, we should keep our laboratory [ləˈbɔrətəri] clean and tidy and open the windows every morning.c:yes,i totally agree with order to protect ourselves from the epidemics, it’s important for us to eat more vegetables, fruit instead of junk food and do more will deserve for a better life.4.在你看来,精英教育培养出来的是什么样的人?今天的社会需要什么样的人? in your opinion, what kind of people should an elite education produce? what kind of people are really needed in today’s society。
a: hi, good morning!b/c/d: good morning!a: do you know what day is it 5 days later? b: your birthday? a: no
c: your boyfriend’s birthday? a: no d: i know, it is college entrance examination, am i right? a:yes, you are right!it is college entrance examination, which we all have experienced about 5 years another words, we have received 5 years of higher higher education be elite education or mass education。
b: wait, wait… what is elite education? i have ever heard about these vocabularies, but don’t know the real meaning of it.c: let me tell you!an elite education is that the enrollment rate of the right age is below the 15%.it means only a few people can have the chance to be other words, the elite education is a kind of “individualized” education which emphasizes the development of individual talents.d: mass education is opened to everyone regardless of your other words, mass education tends to be “universal and extensive”, which emphasizes the utility of education to the whole society.b: oh, i education is offered for only a few people, so the education we have taken in the past 5 years is the elite education, am i right? a: yeah, maybe you are right to some depends on how you understand the goal of elite your opinion, what kind of people should an elite education produce。
d: in my opinion, elite education is not aristocratic education(贵族教育)though it offers to a few education should produce the elites and leaders of this these elites could help with the development of this society.c: however, elite education may also produce people overestimate themselves and not able to communicate with people who do not take elite education, although they may be proficient in several foreign languages.b: yeah, you are you think these elites cultivated by elite education are the people our society really need。
a: on one hand, as we all know, roman is not built in one day, so does our development and prosperity of our society cannot be separated from the social elite, as well as the ordinary the other hand, actually, china is a developing country with large population and scarce do not have enough conditions to provide elite education.d: yeah, as a result, for the current stage, the purpose of chinese higher education is mainly produce practical and professional the same time, general education also has certain requirements, in order to meet the requirements of the “specialized personnel” in the outline.c: yes, you are right.i hope our country will combine the advantages of elite education and mass education according to our present that way, we may harvest all kinds of talents our society needs.5.你是否有经常或偶尔的接近自然来远离城市噪音?你希望生活在城市还是在乡村,你更喜欢什么样的生活?为什么?do you regularly or occasionally get close to nature to escape the city noise? what kind of life do you prefer to live, the life in city or in the countryside? why。
y:what a wonderful day!it’s a good time to go out for a is your grandfather after surgery ,紫薇?
h: well, he is slowly recovering after moving to the countryside to live.y: that sounds about living in the countryside ?
h: it’s a good choice!the countryside is so peaceful and beautiful!i just come back from countryside with my parents.i spent my childhood in country when i was a ’s a great memory.d: i partly agree with you, because the countryside is not as convenient as the example, the city offers more opportunities and entertainment.l: i prefer country life to city like what i have seen on tv, there are too many stunning scenes which can not be seen in example , in summer nights, thousands of stars are glimmering in the dark , this beautiful scenery attracted me so i have lived in city for a long time, which makes me find some social ills of city life.d: i know what you i’m hardly agree with city developed more quickly than the shing businesses and advanced equipment are changed every day, which is so exciting.h: i agree with e the country life gives us opportunity to close to can see trees, grass and listen to the birds ’s a good to ’s more ,there is less noise , pollution,pressure and provides us more fresh air and quite.d: yes, i country life may not be that usually lack culture are relatively ill go fairly slowly people miss some golden opportunities of making a fortune.l: the disadvantages of country did existed.i plan to live in the country,after i it is a better choice.h: oh, it just what i think!and country people have chance to experience the lifestyle of city when they come to cities.d: what is your ideal life like? my ideal life is that i have a right to choose i need to pay more efforts to learn about you ,杨榕瑕。
y: in my opinion ,the answer is not er life we lead,we can never feel perfectly satisfied, for conveniences and inconveniences always wish that they could enjoy the pleasure of both you,刘高辉?
l: i get ready to work hard when i’m example, i eager to experience more fresh things to broaden the field of vision and social experience before 40 years old.y: sounds good!good luck!
6.什么是快乐?你认为我们应该怎样获得快乐?what is happiness? in what ways can we achieve happiness? a:hi, good morning!did you eat breakfast this morning? b: yeah, i have eaten steamed stuffed buns(包子)and soybean milk(豆浆)['sɔibi:n;milk] in gui xiang yuan, it’s very delicious.c:me too.i have eaten hot-dry noodles this morning and feel very full and satisfied.i also feel so happy.d: wow!you may achieve happiness every time to time, since you are so easy to be satisfied.c: is a saying that “contentment brings happiness”, i do believe , it brings me a sense of happiness.(smile^_^。
b: i’m agree with you, happy people feel satisfied with themselves, and they’re happy with what they may be a little overweight, or may not have the best job, or may not live in a big, fancy house, but they are satisfied with what they feeling of happiness comes from the inside, not from something outside.a: you mean, happy people feel satisfied with themselves, unhappy people are often not satisfied with what they have? then, i have a question “do you think ‘阿q’ , the chapter in lu xun’s work--story of ah q be a happy person? he is satisfied with what he has, but i think he is poor more than happy.b: 阿q is a special character in a special lives in his own world and use “spirit victory(精神胜利法)” to get the feeling of doesn’t get the real happiness because he achieves satisfactions from fantasies(幻想), instead of his own effort.d:i real happiness comes from contentment, and real contentment comes from your own another words, if you have tried your best but still don't get what you want, then you may stop and enjoy what you already this way, you can easily achieve happiness.b: is what i mean.c: i agree with you, i also find that happy people have one in is, they are all optimistic—they look at the positive side of life, not the negative.a:yeah, when happy people have problems, they assume that things will don’t worry and think that all bad things can happen, it’s quite they can take it r, unhappy people are the they have a problem, they think about how bad everything is and assume that it’ll get they make themselves even more unhappy.d: i totally agree with you, and i think another thing can bring us happiness—helping is proved effective every time since i have course, i help other people because i can and i want help them, as well as they are really in need, not for the aims of getting from this process, i really achieve a kind of amazing and wonderful feeling—it may be called “happiness”.c: you are i should learn from as the old saying says “present rose to others with remaining fragrance at hand.” when you are helping others in need, you are helping yourself, so that you can achieve happiness.b: i really hope people with kind-heart and optimistic will achieve happiness forever.7.你相信你是美丽的(英俊)吗?你有没有想过整容?整容手术的优点和缺点是什么?do you believe you are beautiful(handsome)? have you ever thought about cosmetic surgery [kɔzˈmetik ˈsə:dʒəri]整容手术? what are pros and cons of cosmetic surgery。
h:梦鸽, what do you think of plastic surgery? like lip implants, breast implants?
d:yeah , absolutely.i would like now, but four years ago, maybe i don’t agree.h: interesting!i think the biggest advantage of cosmetic surgery is its ability to turn an ordinary face to a very lovely can make up for your regret of your body, your face or any other part of your body.y:well, i agree with may become confident in your daily life, which will make you energetic when you work, so you may make more achievement in your like the recent phenomenon: more and more people, especially some young girls choose to take plastic argued that this kind of surgery can improve one’s opportunity to secure a good job.d:do you agree with me。
y:yeah, especially when women get older, they will have plastic surgery due to effect of media and they would like to have plastic surgery here or there.l: i partly agree with i don’t have to give up any parts if i were a e many factors influence of the standard of believe beauty is more important than external beauty when people get older.y:’t you want to place it in a more appropriate location , imagining you get older。
l: i just like enjoy the there are still a huge tragic(悲剧)incidents have been reported recent years that one get hurt or blind or even dead when she adopts a cosmetic surgery.a person only has one chance of g is important than life in the world.d: but i think many men may like it, people prefer to pursuit good things, after all.l: maybe ,of course they ys cosmetic surgery is also for about you 胡紫薇 ,do you believe you are beautiful? what will you do if you get a chance to do a cosmetic surgery one day。
h: hahaha.....,i like my like the saying goes :beauty is only skin-deep(外在美不过是表面现象).so i will not to do a cosmetic surgery in my opinion, we should consider the advantages and disadvantages of cosmetic we can also find that there are too many famous people who are not memorized by their appearance, but their personality and special habits.8.你认为“事实胜于雄辩”这句话是什么?请用例子来说明它。
what do you think of the saying “actions speak louder than words.”? please use examples to illustrate it.1、百说不如一做。
a: good morning, everyone.b/c/d: good morning!
a:last night i have read a saying “actions speak louder than words”, but i don’t know what does it really mean, does it means nonverbal communication is more important than spoken language or something else? can you help me? i feel so confused.b: oh, don’t is very normal, not be e one word may have different meanings under different context, let alone a be your understanding is right to some degree.c: yes, maybe you are right, isn’t it? but in my opinion, “actions speak louder than words” means what you do is more important than what you if you say you are going to do something, then you need to do it.[引入第一种观点:实际行动比你说的话要重要的多。
d: yeah, i agree very strongly with you!“actions” means you should do something instead of staying here and do in our daily life, too many people, even include me, “words speak louder than actions”.moreover, plans of action were not always properly implemented.[提出现实却是相反的,很多人都是“说的比做得多”。
b:me too!i had planned to read 3 papers this week and complete a course r, i didn’t do as i had planned, and now i feel a lot of pressure(>_<).moreover, most people i know who waited to travel the world never did.(无奈)[举例论证观点一]
a: i've had many similar experiences like you, but i think we should do more than only other words, talks little but does more.[观点一总结:少说话,多做事!]is there any other understanding of this saying?
c:of course!another meaning of this saying is that no matter how you are skilled in debate, you can hardly defeat the this situation, actions refer to the civisms or other debates against you.[观点二:事实胜于雄辩!]in fact, words are the shallowest portion of all the argument.[事实上,在一切雄辩中,语言往往是最浅薄的部分。
] have you ever heard the story of yu gong who removed the mountains。
d: yes, i describes an old man with very strong perseverance, who finally moved away the mountain in front of the door through he and his family’s continuous tells us that unless you give up, you will be succeed sooner or later.[愚公移山的例子] b: you are on the other hand, it also verifies that “facts speak louder than words.” even though many people have disapproved with him, even questioned he, foolish old man, doesn’t defeat by his opponents, who are skilled in proved that he is right and he is not the foolish is the man who has great wisdom.a: i you very much.i don’t feel confused i think i have learnt the real meaning of this saying “actions speak louder than words”.thank you!(the end[提问者对几个帮助他的回答者表示感谢!]。
do you think insomnia [ɪnˈsɒmniə]失眠 is a serious problem in the modern society? what are the causes for insomnia? think of advice for people with insomnia.a:john b:ella c:mary d:cris c: how is it going, ella? b: i’m fine, thank you!and you, you looked so tired? c: well, i just can’t fall sleep at all lately.i didn't close my eyes until early this morning.a: anything bother you, study or the other things? d: the dragon boat festival holiday is were too excited to sleep, weren’t you? b: aha.i wasn't sure if i had insomnia.i will wake up in the middle of the night, and always do all kinds of g the whole body tired especially in the morning.a: it sounds so long has it been like this? c: from two weeks ago.d: you should see a doctor, like a psychological doctor.c: thank you, are something bothered me and i thought some bad things about my study and my future life? maybe i need to relax myself, such as do some exercises before go to bed.a: do you think that insomnia is a serious problem in the modern society? more and more people have been suffering from insomnia, especially for office workers.b: i agree with ia refers to lack of sleep or poor quality of sleep, which causes fatigue or discomfort, such as inattention, weakness, poor alertness, low spirit, headache and are also insomnia patients around us, they are so difficult to sleep at night, that it effected their daily life.d: yes, patients with insomnia will be a heavy black eye during the day, and they seem less energetic and absent-minded.c: it’s so bad, just like what i suffered now, you know.i’m eager to know the reason for that.b: i just know little about this logical factors such as not a bad sleep people like drink tea, coffee or alcohol before sleep, which is harmful to ’s more, the sudden change of sleep environment, noise, and high temperature, strong light also lead to do you think of that, cris。
d: well, psychological factor is another important aspect besides physiological workers face the pressure of work and ive anxiety and depression lead to insomnia.c: we can try our best to avoid insomnia in the daily life, although it is caused by many actors.a: i totally agree with g your feet worm and making the bed comfortable before sleeping are the things we can do.b: what’s more, exercising regularly and don’t open the window while sleeping.d: we would have a good sleep habit if those good habits were developed.a,b,c: that’s right。
what is “a white lie”善意的谎言? have you ever told a white lie? do you think telling a white lie is ethical? why or why not?
a:do you know what is “a white lie”?
b: certain occasions, out of necessity, we simply cannot tell the truth but have to lie with good rather than bad kind of lie is called a white , i can give you an example.i told my friend sally a white lie when she asked me how i liked her new party dress.i didn't like the color or the design but when i saw how happy she was with it, i told her it looked “lie with good intentions” is very common and almost all of us have done you ever told a white lie。
a: some cases the truth is going to hurt or trouble someone but white lies can give others comfort and example, i told my parents a white lie when i was sick, even though i was still not feeling well, i smiled and told them i was much because i didn’t want them to be worried.d:oh, how sensible you are!lies have been recognized as a synonym for cheating and hypocrisy and lies are often held in r, sometimes we need lies in real life, because a white lie can give one comfort and a seriously ill patient can refresh himself to fight against the illness after hearing your white lie, don’t you think your lie is meaningful。
c:it seems that in some cases white lies are very from the perspective of ethics, i still don't support you think telling a white lie is ethical?
b:yes, of fact, its existence does not harm the interests of the victims and its motive is be honest is to make our society more harmonious, to a better development of the this way, white lies accord with the purpose of do you think of it?
c:oh, i i can’t agree with you.i insist that white lies are lies after ’s dishonest to tell even white my opinion, everyone has the right to know the truth, you have no right to make choices instead of , in some cases, white lies can give you a cure, but who can guarantee that when you know the truth, you will not regret not knowing it how about you。
d:graham(本杰明·格雷厄姆)said that” in human relationships, kindness and lies are worth a thousand truths”.i think he means that in most time telling a white lie is better than tell the i don’t agree with your presentation.a: mes we need white lies to keep sometimes we also tell white lies to protect a girl tries her best to lose weight, but she is still very fat, it’s better for you to say you are very lovely or you really get thinner rather than tell her the truth, “you have put on weight again.” so i hold on to my position。
attitudes toward time in different cultures
in the current competitive society, time is is a precious resource and many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime.1)why do many people cherish time?
2)what is considered to be a waste of time?
3)as a college student, how do you make full use of time in your study?
and cons of mixed marriages
people often harbor reservations about a mixed marriage because racial and cultural differences may complicate the marriage r, still many people have harmonious and happy marriages across nations.1)would you mind marrying a person from a different culture or nation? why or why not?
2)how to deal with the cultural difference in mixed marriage?
3)what factors do you think may lead to the failure in one’s marriage?
ng children
in most of the families in china, there is only one s tend to pour all their love, energy and money to their a result, a lot of children have been spoiled.1)what do you think are the reasons why so many parents spoil their children?
2)what are the bad effects of spoiling children?
3)how can the parents stop spoiling children?
’s in a name?
the name is a signal used to identify and describe often suggest or convey parents’ expectations and dreams to their children.1)do you think one’s name is important? please give your reasons.2)what factors may the parents consider when giving a name to a baby?
3)do you agree to change your name if you don’t like it? why?
if i could live again!(新时代unit2)
life is valuable and everybody should treasure one has made a mistake and is regretful for it, he or she will desire to live twice to make up for his or her errors.1)have you ever done something wrong so that you wish you could live again?
2)what is the most important event in your life so far?
3)which period of your life so far do you want to skip over?
a doctor(新时代unit4)
people wish to be healthy and enjoy their life, but sometimes he or she will get to cure illness and keep fit is people’s concern.1)how to live a healthy life?
2)what is your physical condition now and how do you keep it?
3)if you are not feeling well, are you afraid of seeing a doctor?
ng experience(新时代unit7)
healthy living begins with healthy eating, and healthy eating begins with healthy shopping.1)where do you prefer to shop, in department stores, supermarkets or small shops? why?
2)have you ever tried on-line shopping? what do you think of on-line shopping?
3)if you have bought something you don’t like or something that doesn’t work, what will you do with it?
work experience is one of the essential factors most of the companies have to concern in quite a lot of the college students do not have the required experience when graduating.1)do you have any work experience?
2)do you think work experience is always more important than knowledge and skills?
3)as college students, how can we gain work experience?
2、根据回答问题的时间条的移动 回答问题,抢在时间条开始移动之前回答的内容是录不上的。最好取时间条的中前段。
5、第二大题 :“朗读”又提前联系时间,不要着急,注意慢读,语调高一点,声音必须清晰!注意冠词the 的发音。
6、第三大题:话题口头作文。这是大家最害怕的一道题,如果回答不好,有可能影响后面听力考试的心情。所以要做充分准备。注意脑子里要有打算要说的内容,要有条理; 开头点题,结尾点题。成绩好的学生注意充分表达,但不要说过多,基本上时间条的一半就够了,千万不要显示卖弄自己水平高,引老师反感。英语是弱项的同学,理清思路,说几句扣题就可以,通过开头和结尾点题增加得分。另外,如果话题作文先提出问题,一定要先做正面回答yes 或no.7、第四大题:听对话选答案,听两遍,这个问题不大。
话题一:more and more students are too should they do? give at least two is important for us to have a healthy more and more students are too fat.i think they should eat less junk food and eat more fruits and they should drink more ng too many sodas like cola is bad for their should exercise, can help them grow it’s a good idea to start exercising before it’s too late.话题二:do you like to volunteer to help others? what volunteer work can you do?(give me two examples.)yes, i do.(首先回答问题,不可缺少,否则扣一分。
i can do a lot of things to help example, i can go to old people’s homes to perform interesting plays for ng primary schools to help teach young students is a good way of doing volunteer work, too.(常做的两个志愿工作)by doing these things, i can help others and i can also improve myself.i think i can also volunteer at a newspaper office or a teenager, i won’t waste my weekend any more.i think the more i do, the more beautiful our world will be.(受益。
话题三:do you often help your parents do chores? why or why not?(give at least two reasons)yes, i often help my parents do chores.(先回答问题,否则扣一分)first ,i think it’s my duty to do some chores.i often do the dishes after supper.i make the bed and wash my socks every mes, i sweep the floor and water the plants.(列举你所做的家务。
i think they are very interesting things to ,doing chores can make my parents happy and i can also learn a lot from it.(谈谈你的收获)
话题四:what do you usually do after school? why do you do that?(give at least two reasons)i usually play basketball after school.(点明主题)
i like doing sports, and especially love playing basketball.i usually play basketball with my best g basketball can help me keep makes me i play basketball i feel relaxed.(理由1)i can also make friends with more people in playing it(理由2).more importantly, i can learn how to do team work.(理由3)
so i usually play basketball after school.(回扣题目)
话题五:talk about an important event you can remember.(这个题目不要死记硬背,建议大家讲述自己的一次旅行的见到的景,见到的人,所吃的美食,及心理的感受,也就是我们平时所练习的作文)答案仅供参考:
an important event that i remember well is the earthquake in ya’an, sichuan on the morning of april 20, 2013.i learned this news from tv when having dinner with my were completely this earthquake, thousands of people lost their people gave away clothes or money to the people in the disaster area, and others volunteered to help them in gh the earthquake broke many things apart and a lot of people died in this disaster, it brought all chinese people closer together.话题六:what story do you like? why do you like this story?(at least two reasons)i like journey to the ’s a historic chinese novel that is considered as one of the four classics from the ming most famous character in this novel, sun wukong is a naughty is a symbol of hope and justice.(简介这个故事)besides the unusual experiences, we can still learn something from this should be brave and confident, no matter how many difficulties we if we try our best to solve the problems, we will be ’s why i like this story.(你的收获。
话题七:do you think we should protect wild animals? why?(at least two reasons.)yes, i think we should protect wild are some reasons.(必须先回答问题)
first, wild animals are in great the development of cities, wild animals' living area has become smaller and also killed a lot of animals for money, which makes the number of wild animals become smaller and protecting wild animals is , wild animals are our human beings could not live without all the plants and wild animals around should try our best to protect wild animals to keep the balance of we should protect wild animals.话题八:do you like music ?why or why not ?(two reasons)yes, i like music very , we are tired at have so much we need to i am tired, i often listen to makes me feel , music can make us happy and i’m sad, i often listen to can cheer me i like music very much.话题九:say something about a place you have traveled to.(如果处理好了第五个话题,可以同样适用于这一话题)i have been to is the capital of our is very big and has a long history.i have visited the great is long and i love it, but there are too many people.i have been to the palace museum are many beautiful treasures.i also like beijing duck.i love beijing.话题十:talk about your favorite thing from childhood my favorite thing from childhood is a toy bear.i have had it since i was a baby.(怎么得到的)it is very nice and is has two big ears, two small eyes and a small mouth.(什么样子。
it has special meaning for me because my grandfather gave it to i see it, i will think of my loved me very much.i always go to sleep with is my best friend.(对于我的意义)
e you are going to spend your summer something about your in what way summer vacations benefit you?
(tips: traveling / taking a summer job/ taking summer courses /working as a volunteer…)
phones are popular with college students and even you think it’s a good thing?(why or why not?)
to cope with the stress you may experience while studying at college or university?
(tips: academic pressure /financial pressure/job-hunting pressure/emotional pressure)
4.a saying in china goes like this: “it would be fatal for a man to go into the wrong profession or trade, and equally dangerous for a woman to marry the wrong man.” what do you think of the above saying?
you love traveling? what places of interest have you ever been to? please share your traveling experiences with me and tell me what you learn from it?
r senior people should be sent to nursery house?
is your favorite holiday? and why?(tips: spring festival, thanksgiving day, easter day, christmas, etc.)
subject do you like best? what makes you like it: your personal interests, the teacher, the practical applications of the course in future, etc.?
do you think is more important for university students, practical skills or theoretical knowledge? give your find your best friend is smoking, and you want to stop him /her, so you talk with him /her about the harm of smoking and try to persuade him /her to quit you were to graduate from college and were to make a very important decision in your life, what job appeals to you most? and why。
talk about surfing the net with respect to the advantages and disadvantages.(tips: useful information / harmful information;communication via the internet / junk email, computer viruses;e-learning / overindulging in computer games;e-shopping / computer crime…)
1 to make a good impression in a job interview?
’s your own way of spending two-day weekend? anything special? you are welcome to name some advisable choices for our e the high divorce rate in modern society, there are, indeed, a lot of examples of successful marriage, including some what are the secrets of a successful marriage? please tell me some good ways to improve a you believe in love at first sight? what’s your definition of “true love”。
do you think is more important, environmental protection or economic development?(please explain.)
food is now becoming more and more you know why? and can you say something about the changes in people’s diet nowadays?
g a job, further study or going abroad, which will you choose and how do you prepare to achieve the goal?
still exists sexual discrimination against the female in job market in ’s your opinion on it?