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hello everyone! today we are going to visit baligou scenic spot. baligouscenic spot is located in the deep mountain area at the southern foot of taihangmountain, 50 kilometers away from xinxiang city and 25 kilometers away fromhuixian city, with a total area of 42 square kilometers. there are more than1100 kinds of plants and 60 kinds of animals. there are 7 dangerous valleys, 36strange peaks and mysterious feeling everywhere. here is the essence of taihangmountains and rivers. it is a collection of scenic spots.

in the scenic area, there are thousands of jianfeng mountains, strangegullies, waterfalls, clear springs, verdant trees, fragrant flowers and plants,monkeys playing and deer flocking. she is the place where the quintessence oftaihang mountains and waters gather. she is also the hero of mount tai, thedanger of mount hua, the seclusion of jiuzhai and qingcheng, and the beauty ofhuangshan and emei. she is called "the soul of taihang".

the main scenic spots here are more than 40 places, such as santan, sankan,yaojiafen of shimen reservoir, baligou waterfall, macaque nature reserve,taohuadu, shanshentemple, yangzhoudi, hongshihe, etc. among them, baligouwaterfall and hongshihe are the essence of the scenic spot, so the image sloganof the scenic spot is "tianhe waterfall, the soul of taihang". you can alsoclimb yuhuang peak, the main peak of taihang, to watch the sunrise in the east,the sea of clouds in the west, the jiuqu of the yellow river in the south, andthousands of peaks in the north. wanshan yan fu, this peak is high, look upfour, the world is small.

the annual average temperature in the scenic spot is 14 degrees, and it isin the summer with three ups and downs. it is like spring in the afternoon,autumn in the afternoon and early winter in the night. it is very suitable forsummer and summer. with fresh air, refreshing, sweet spring and quietenvironment, the scenic spot is a natural oxygen bar and a fine landscapegallery. "often come to baligou, can live 99.". it is an ideal resort for you toenjoy the original landscape, a warm home for leisure and vacation, and aparadise for you to return to nature. in 1990, chinese landscape experts camehere for investigation. they believed that baligou scenic spot was valued forits primitive and natural beauty, and called it "a unique scenic spot inasia".

on the bus, we will see liuyequan reservoir, santan, shimen temple andother scenic spots along the way. liuyequan is located under santan and outsideshimen gully. spring water gushes out from the rocks. the water surface is longand thin, like willow leaves, so it is called willow leaf spring. spring watercontinuously flows into liuyequan reservoir in four seasons, forming a clear andtransparent mountain lake. deep lake is green, as if bottomless; shallowtransparent, visible sand. it is an ideal place for swimming and fishing. santanis located in the ditch where two peaks face each other at the entrance ofshimen gully. it is called toutan, ertan and santan from the inside out. it isalso called bailongtan, huanglongtan and heilongtan. tan tan hang, an area ofseveral acres. among them, three pools are the largest, with dark water andunfathomable depth. it is said that there are gods in the pool. people do notdare to commit crimes. they throw themselves into the tiles and stones. the windand rain stand up, and it is very clever to ask for rain. there are threefairies palace and chaoyang palace on the lake. the buildings are magnificent,and the temples are reflected in the lake like crystal palace. now there is onlyone stone tablet, the rest are destroyed

shimen temple is the general name of all the temples above santan. amongthem, chaoyang palace, taiping palace, sanxian palace and shimen sangong aremagnificent and compact. founded in the song dynasty, the most prosperous periodof the three palaces was the entrance courtyard, which was connected with morethan 130 houses. among the three palaces, chaoyang palace is the largest, themain hall worships the queen mother, and the auxiliary hall worships elevenstatues. it is said that chaoyang palace has a lot of aura, so there are a lotof pilgrims every day. every february and october, a month's grand temple fairwill be held here. merchants gather here, and they are very lively and the anti japanese period, the armed forces of the eighth route army wereactive here. the japanese puppet army attacked here many times and failed manytimes. the japanese puppet army thought that the gods were protecting our army,so they burned sangong for seven days and nights. all the buildings were reducedto ashes, but the enemy still failed to win.

zhuangzi cliff is located on the west bank of santan. in june 1948, the48th regiment of taihang military region fought fiercely with the reactionarieshere, destroying more than 400 enemy troops. in order to cover the retreat andtransfer of the main force, eight soldiers were ordered to stay and block. underthe condition of no road left, they were indomitable and bravely jumped from thecliff. except for one who survived being intercepted by the trees, the othersall died bravely. they were listed as key cultural relics protection units atthe city (county) level. on august 1, 1994, another "heroic pavilion" was builthere. the archetype of li xiangyang in plain guerrillas is guo xing from huixiancounty, who once won the title of taihang hero and served as the commander ofthe northern xinjiang military region. he personally wrote that "the warriorsstand up in taihang head, fight hard to kill the enemy, and there is no way toretreat when they have no grain left. they jump into the black pool and writethe spring and autumn annals." a poem was set up to commemorate.

shimen reservoir is named for its location in shimengou. in 1973, in orderto solve the problem of drought and water shortage in the northwest of huixiancity, on the basis of a small reservoir in shangbali township, huixian peoplespent a year and a half to build a medium-sized reservoir with a storagecapacity of 30 million cubic meters. the dam height of the reservoir is 90meters, the base width is 80 meters, the dam crest width is 5.5 meters, and thedam length is 291 meters. local materials, red stone mortar, magnificent. in therainy season, the water surface is more than 10 li, with clear water and athousand feet of deep water.

the three niches are located under the danbi cliff on the west side ofshimen reservoir, with more than 30 niches in the cave. from a distance, thereare five niches, which are connected. referred to as a niche well, two nichestower, three niches inside the living bodhisattva, four niches niangnianglou,five niches old carving nest. it is said that there is a temple in a niche and aholy well beside it. the water is clear and the bottom is clear. drought doesnot dry up and flood does not overflow. two niches have a ming dynasty bricktower, more than 10 meters high, unique shape, superb workmanship, tower isdestroyed, the foundation. the three niches are more beautiful, with theinscription "yunfeng temple" on the mountain gate. it was founded in the songdynasty. i don't know when it will rise or fall. when it was rebuilt in thejiajing period of ming dynasty, the site was widened, and more than ten hallsand pavilions and more than 30 houses were built successively. it was originallynamed yunfeng nunnery, but later renamed yunfeng temple, and was rebuiltrepeatedly. there is a spring on the north bank, which flows into the pool infront of the hall, just like a dragon spitting beads, which is very the four niches, there is a huge stone floor, like a girl's show building. inthe five niches, there is an old carving nest that can be held by two people. itis said that it was formed hundreds of years ago. it is hung on the cliff andhalf waist. it is common for goshawks to hover and crows to flock. it has aunique taste.

heilaotan is located in shimen reservoir, south of songshuping village. itis more than 14 li long and 5-6 meters wide. the water is dark, so it is calledheilaotan. it is said that there is often a black mother-in-law in and out ofthe water, so it is also called black wife pool.

baligou scenic area is here. please get off and visit the beautifulmountains and waters with me!

taihang macaque district is here, please follow me to enjoy it-----

macaque nature reserve, located in the west of shimengou, is just to thewest of songshuping village. it is 16 li long from the east to the west. thevalley is densely covered with forests. the scenery is quiet. the mountains aresteep, the trees are dense, and the streams are murmuring. there are oftengroups of macaques. it is said that there are seven or eight groups, with dozensto hundreds of macaques in each group. each group has its own sphere ofinfluence, and foreign enemies are not allowed to invade. the range of activityof a group of monkeys is tens of kilometers, mostly in lingtou in winter andspring, and in summer and autumn, they spend their summer holidays and grab foodby streams. in order to protect the macaque, the macaque nature reserve isdivided. at present, the macaque here is at the northernmost latitude on theearth.

now our place is called baodu bridge------

baodu bridge is located in the west of songshuping. there is a bridgeacross the river, bridge name baodu bridge, river baodu river. it is said thatat the end of the western han dynasty, there was a shepherd named ma wu whodrove his cattle across the river to the opposite hillside to graze every was afraid that the calf was too small to drown, so he crossed the river inhis arms. the calf gradually grew into a big ox, and ma wu still carried the oxacross the river every day. unconsciously, his strength increased greatly, andhe became a famous hercules in a hundred miles. after forgetting mang seizedpower, ma wu followed liu xiu to fight with wang mang and became one of liuxiu's effective generals. after ma wu became an official, he often rememberedthat it was not easy for him to cross the river with a calf. he paid people tobuild a small bridge on the river to facilitate the people to pass by. latergenerations called the river he passed with a calf baodu river, which was calledbaodu bridge.

now please come down the mountain with me to see baligou waterfall----

baligou waterfall is named because it is located in baligou. it is alsocalled longkou waterfall because its gap is like longkou. the fall of thewaterfall is 157 meters. the width of the waterfall is about 20 meters in rainyseason and about 5 meters in peacetime. the water flows continuously throughoutthe year. a hanging waterfall, roaring and galloping, mountains and valleys,flying pearls and jade, colorful, majestic and magnificent, known as "the firstwaterfall in north china". looking from afar, the silk is ethereal and fallingdown; looking from near, the pearl is shining, the white tent is falling, andthe cool air is striking under the waterfall, which makes people feel like"traveling in the red sun, not knowing in the afternoon, sweating in the heat".the waterfall also has one of its greatest wonders. if the weather is clear,direct sunlight (8 am - 2 pm) can see more than 10 meters high rainbow,colorful, very spectacular. as sun quan, a great scholar in qing dynasty, said,"when i visit him, i sit on the side of the cliff, and i'm greedy to seefeiquan." the qinglong lake under the waterfall is named because the waterfallfalls into the pool and waves appear, like the green dragon coming in and out ofthe water.

after watching the waterfall, the next scenic spot is hongshi river. nowthe road under our feet is called longpan ladder. you can see that there aremore than 700 steps along the cliff. please pay attention to safety. after thelong pan ladder, walk about one kilometer to the hongshi river.

hongshi river is the source of baligou waterfall, with a width of 20 metersand a depth of 0.6 meters. this river originates from shanxi province, with analtitude of 1500 meters, so it is also called taihang tianhe. the riverbed isred stone sandstone, smooth and smooth, with clear water, red and green matchingeach other, colorful, picturesque, pleasant and dreamlike. the river is flowingalong the smooth and smooth red stone slabs. under the sunshine, it is like ahuge crystal slab, crystal clear, like a riprap playing a harp.

today's tour is coming to an end. i hope our beautiful baligou can give youa good impression. finally, i wish you a happy journey. thank you!


hello, tourists!

dear friends: hello everyone! today we are going to visit baligou scenicspot. there are 7 dangerous valleys, 36 strange peaks and mysterious feelingeverywhere. here is the essence of taihang mountains and rivers. it is acollection of scenic spots. baligou scenic spot is located in the deep mountainarea at the southern foot of taihang mountain, 50 kilometers away from xinxiangcity and 25 kilometers away from huixian city, with a total area of 42 squarekilometers. there are more than 1100 kinds of plants and 60 kinds ofanimals.

the annual average temperature in the scenic spot is 14 degrees, and it isin the summer with three ups and downs. it is like spring in the afternoon,autumn in the afternoon and early winter in the night. it is very suitable forsummer and summer. with fresh air, refreshing, sweet spring and quietenvironment, the scenic spot is a natural oxygen bar and a fine landscapegallery. "often come to baligou, can live 99.". it is an ideal resort for you toenjoy the original landscape, a warm home for leisure and vacation, and aparadise for you to return to nature. in 1990, chinese landscape experts camehere for investigation. they believed that baligou scenic spot was valued forits primitive and natural beauty, and called it "a unique scenic spot in asia".in the scenic area, there are thousands of jianfeng mountains, strange gullies,waterfalls, clear springs, verdant trees, fragrant flowers and plants, monkeysplaying and deer flocking. she is the place where the quintessence of taihangmountains and waters gather. she is also the hero of mount tai, the danger ofmount hua, the seclusion of jiuzhai and qingcheng, and the beauty of huangshanand emei. she is called "the soul of taihang".

the main scenic spots here are macaque nature reserve, taohuadu,shanshentemple, yangzhoudi, hongshihe, santan, sankan, yaojiafen of shimenreservoir, baligou waterfall and more than 40 places. among them, baligouwaterfall and hongshihe are the essence of the scenic spot, so the image sloganof the scenic spot is "tianhe waterfall, the soul of taihang". you can alsoclimb yuhuang peak, the main peak of taihang, to watch the sunrise in the east,the sea of clouds in the west, the jiuqu of the yellow river in the south, andthousands of peaks in the north.

on the bus, we will see liuyequan reservoir, santan, shimen temple andother scenic spots along the way. liuyequan is located under santan and outsideshimen gully. spring water gushes out from the rocks. the water surface is longand thin, like willow leaves, so it is called willow leaf spring. spring watercontinuously flows into liuyequan reservoir in four seasons, forming a clear andtransparent mountain lake. deep lake is green, as if bottomless; shallowtransparent, visible sand. it is an ideal place for swimming and fishing. santanis located in the ditch where two peaks face each other at the entrance ofshimen gully. it is called toutan, ertan and santan from the inside out. it isalso called bailongtan, huanglongtan and heilongtan. tan tan hang, an area ofseveral acres. among them, three pools are the largest, with dark water andunfathomable depth. it is said that there are gods in the pool. people do notdare to commit crimes. they throw themselves into the tiles and stones. the windand rain stand up, and it is very clever to ask for rain. there are threefairies palace and chaoyang palace on the lake. the buildings are magnificent,and the temples are reflected in the lake like crystal palace. now there is onlyone stone tablet, the rest are destroyed

shimen reservoir is named for its location in shimengou. in 1973, in orderto solve the problem of drought and water shortage in the northwest of huixiancity, on the basis of a small reservoir in shangbali township, huixian peoplespent a year and a half to build a medium-sized reservoir with a storagecapacity of 30 million cubic meters. the dam height of the reservoir is 90meters, the base width is 80 meters, the dam crest width is 5.5 meters, and thedam length is 291 meters. local materials, red stone mortar, magnificent. in therainy season, the water surface is more than 10 li, with clear water and athousand feet of deep water.

the three niches are located under the danbi cliff on the west side ofshimen reservoir, with more than 30 niches in the cave. from a distance, thereare five niches, which are connected. referred to as a niche well, two nichestower, three niches inside the living bodhisattva, four niches niangnianglou,five niches old carving nest. it is said that there is a temple in a niche and aholy well beside it. the water is clear and the bottom is clear. drought doesnot dry up and flood does not overflow. two niches have a ming dynasty bricktower, more than 10 meters high, unique shape, superb workmanship, tower isdestroyed, the foundation. the three niches are more beautiful, with theinscription "yunfeng temple" on the mountain gate. it was founded in the songdynasty. i don't know when it will rise or fall. when it was rebuilt in thejiajing period of ming dynasty, the site was widened, and more than ten hallsand pavilions and more than 30 houses were built successively. it was originallynamed yunfeng nunnery, but later renamed yunfeng temple, and was rebuiltrepeatedly. there is a spring on the north bank, which flows into the pool infront of the hall, just like a dragon spitting beads, which is very the four niches, there is a huge stone floor, like a girl's show building. inthe five niches, there is an old carving nest that can be held by two people. itis said that it was formed hundreds of years ago. it is hung on the cliff andhalf waist. it is common for goshawks to hover and crows to flock. it has aunique taste.

shimen temple is the general name of all the temples above santan. amongthem, chaoyang palace, taiping palace, sanxian palace and shimen sangong aremagnificent and compact. founded in the song dynasty, the most prosperous periodof the three palaces was the entrance courtyard, which was connected with morethan 130 houses. among the three palaces, chaoyang palace is the largest, themain hall worships the queen mother, and the auxiliary hall worships elevenstatues. it is said that chaoyang palace has a lot of aura, so there are a lotof pilgrims every day. every february and october, a month's grand temple fairwill be held here. merchants gather here, and they are very lively and the anti japanese period, the armed forces of the eighth route army wereactive here. the japanese puppet army attacked here many times and failed manytimes. the japanese puppet army thought that the gods were protecting our army,so they burned sangong for seven days and nights. all the buildings were reducedto ashes, but the enemy still failed to win.

zhuangzi cliff is located on the west bank of santan. in june 1948, the48th regiment of taihang military region fought fiercely with kuomintangreactionaries here, destroying more than 400 enemy troops. in order to cover theretreat and transfer of the main force, eight soldiers were ordered to stay andblock. under the condition of no road left, they were indomitable and bravelyjumped from the cliff. except for one who survived being intercepted by thetrees, the others all died bravely. they were listed as key cultural relicsprotection units at the city (county) level. on august 1, 1994, another "heroicpavilion" was built here. the archetype of li xiangyang in plain guerrillas isguo xing from huixian county, who once won the title of taihang hero and servedas the commander of the northern xinjiang military region. he personally wrotethat "the warriors stand up in taihang head, fight hard to kill the enemy, andthere is no way to retreat when they have no grain left. they jump into theblack pool and write the spring and autumn annals." a poem was set up tocommemorate.

heilaotan is located in shimen reservoir, south of songshuping village. itis more than 14 li long and 5-6 meters wide. the water is dark, so it is calledheilaotan. it is said that there is often a black mother-in-law in and out ofthe water, so it is also called black wife pool.

baligou scenic area is here. please get off and visit the beautifulmountains and waters with me!

baligou scenic spot is located in songshuping village, shangbali town,huixian city, henan province, 50 kilometers away from xinxiang city, with atotal area of 40 square kilometers. at present, the scenic spot has developedsix small scenic spots, including taohuawan, shanshentemple, yuhuanggong,yangzhoudi, yixiantian, hongshihe, and more than 150 scenic spots. in the scenicarea, the waterfall is flying, the pool is clear, the forest is dense, the folkhouses are primitive, and both the northern landscape is strong and the southernlandscape is beautiful. it is praised as "the soul of taihang and the chinesecharacter" by the travel industry colleagues and experts. it is the essence ofhenan's taihang tourist area.

my friends, we are now in front of the gate of the scenic spot. thebuildings in front of us are the mountain gate and the bridgehead. both of themare modeled like the ancient han que. the style is simple and elegant, and thestyle is simple and elegant. it fully shows the belief and pursuit of baligoupeople's simple hospitality and harmonious management.

entering the gate, we see a stone carving of longevity. as the forestcoverage rate of baligou is more than 90%, the average content of negativeoxygen ions in the air is more than 5000 per cubic centimeter, which is morethan ten times of that in downtown areas of big cities. the whole scenic spot islike a "natural oxygen bar". therefore, there has been a popular saying heresince ancient times that "if you go to baligou often, you can live ninety-nineyears; if you live in baligou often, you can live one hundred and nine years".our stone carving of the birthday star shows the wishes of baligou people foryour health and longevity.

now the small gray temple on the right side of our station is called erxian temple. according to the ancient steles in front of the temple, we caninfer that this temple was built in the wanli period of the ming dynasty at thelatest, and it is the oldest ancient temple in our scenic spot at present;looking to the left, the towering mountain in the distance seems to be twofingers of human beings. its name is thumb peak. the gesture of thumb peak seemsto be welcoming you to baligou!

taohuawan scenic spot

friends, the small bridge we are going to pass is called "tongyou bridge".when we cross the bridge, we will enter the taohua bay scenic area where thewaterfall and pool are connected and the flowing water is murmuring. this scenicspot mainly includes taohuatan, taohuawan, jiangjuntan, taohuawan waterfall,jiangjuntan waterfall, etc. now we can see taohuawan waterfall from a pool under the waterfall is called taohuatan. above the waterfall is ataohuawan with an area of 20000 square meters. on the right side of taohuawan isa lush flat peach garden. next to the flat peach garden is a very simpletaoyuange hotel. it is said that this peach forest was derived from a peachstone that dongfang shuo had thrown down when he stole flat peaches for emperorwu of the han dynasty. therefore, later, the queen mother specially held afairyland peach fair in baligou. this scene is still preserved in ouryuhuanggong cultural tourist area. if you have a chance, you can go and have alook.

now, on the surface of taohua bay, there are many projects, such as flyingrope, shaking bridge, bamboo raft, rafting and so on. in addition, there is arelatively open beach where you can move freely for a while. then we will go tobaodu bridge, jiangjuntan and jiangjuntan waterfall together.

dear tourists, now we come to baodu bridge. it is said that it was theplace where ma wu, a general of emperor guangwu of the eastern han dynasty,crossed the river with a calf when he was a child. later, after ma wu became thefounding general of the eastern han dynasty, he returned to his hometown tobuild the bridge. in memory of him, people named the bridge baodu bridge, andthe water pool and waterfall under the bridge jiangjuntan and jiangjuntanwaterfall. if you go further, you can see an antique teahouse with simple is the mawuju teahouse built in memory of mawu.


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