安徽中考作文真题题目 安徽省中考作文题篇一
nowadays, more and more people prefer to travel quite often. by traveling, we not only can relax ourselves but also broaden our knowledge circles. from my aspect, i think we can make many friends and travel with them.
firstly, we can enjoy the beautiful scenery and relax ourselves. for modern life, we are busy with our work with high pressure. however, when we travel, we will be attracted by great landscape and forget pressure from both work and life.
secondly, we can make friends by traveling. for most travelers, they tend to find many companions to travel with. if you check the internet, you will find that some people will call others to join them for travel. through this kind of travel, we can meet many different people and make friends with them to broaden our social circle。
thirdly, we can learn much knowledge form travel. before you go to somewhere to travel, generally, you need to make plans for your travel. you can find lots of things you dont know when you make a plan, such as, the origin of a certain area, the customs of different areas, local food and so on.
in conclusion, we can not only relax ourselves and make new friends but at the same time we can learn much from travel.
food is humans basic need, yet it differs from culture to culture. color, aroma and taste have been regarded as the basics of chinese culinary art. in the long history of chinese course development, there are many differences between the southern and northern tastes. generally speaking, the southern courses emphasize freshness and tenderness; while the northern courses are oilier. as a typically southerner, i prefer freshness and pure flavor. so my favorite food is steaming fish。
steaming fish is a classical guang dong dish. its famous for light, soft and slippery taste. the material must be fresh, and the cook must control the heat to make sure the fish remain tender and pure. put the fresh fish in the pot to steam for 8 minutes with mild heat. before the dish is finished, add a spoon of oil and some chopped green onion and a spoon of soy sauce, and then the steaming fish is done. my mother is very good at cooking this course. i really love the way she cook the fish, not only maintain the original flavors of the fish, but also provide with enough protein。
it gradually turns cool. the sunlight is no longer so strong and the cicadas have stopped crying. the hot summer went by at last. the favorite season in the year is coming.
everywhere we can see the scene of bumper crops: on the fields is golden rice,on the trees are ripe fruits. the farmers faces are full of smiles. they are now expecting a good harvest through a summers hard work.
the autumn evening is especially beautiful. when the setting sun goes slowly down to the west, the sky over the mountains is covered with red rays of evening sunlight, which shines upon the blue sky and floating clouds, just as the maple leaves fall onto the sky.
it is getting cool at dusk. the wind blows, the moonlight shines on the ground,the frogs croak and insects chirp in the fields. such a situation will make you forget all the unhappy things in the daytime.
i love the beautiful season.
as we all know, there are three stages in studypreview, study in class and review, among whichreview is the most important. from my experience, id like to talk about the importance andsteps of review. firstly, make a review plan with certain contents of subjects at acertain , carry on the review plan regularly. thirdly, examine what has been reviewed andmake supplement in time. one thing to remember is to keep notes all the time. i follow myreview plan strictly and have made progress in my study. it turns out to be good enough. ofcourse, there is more than one way to review. so long as we review regularly, we can find moreways to improve our studies。
hi worried,
im sorry to know that youre having such a bad time at the moment. the truth is that everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong, so you dont have to worry much. the important thing is to learn to control your temper so that you may not do or say anything you’ll regret. here are three useful tips。
first, talk to someone you trust about how you feel. this is a good way of letting your anger out without hurting others or yourself. second, go outdoors and play team games with your ftiends as physical exercise is an effective way to get rid of anger. and third, remain optimistic about your future. such a positive attitude towards life can be helpful in lifting your spirits。
i hope youll soon feel calmer and carry on as normal.
it is very important for us to have a good mood in our daily life. if you have a good mood , you will be happy with everything in the world . most importantly, you will have an optimistic effect on the people around you. we all will live a harmonious and happy life .it is good for your health as well。
however , sometimes when you meet some difficulties , when you quarrel with others or when you fail in doing something , you may have a bad mood. if so , you should get rid of it as soon as possible. as we all know , everything has two sides. so you should think more about its bright side. we are sure that everything will be better with time passing by . remember : only you can make yourself happy。
i hope that everyone has a good mood every day !
安徽中考作文真题题目 安徽省中考作文题篇二
安徽师大附中 朱诵玉
安徽中考作文真题题目 安徽省中考作文题篇三
1) 梦想,推动人类进步的阶梯
2) 有梦,真好
3) 理想是灯,照亮夜行之路
4) 怎一个“梦”字了得
5) 在梦想的田野上
6) 梦的那一边
7) 腹有梦想气自华
8) 梦想,催人奋进
9) 我心永恒
10) 我梦故我在
11) 远方
12) 梦想的力量
13) 扬起理想的风帆
14) 生命不止 梦想不灭
15) 追梦
16) 梦在心中 路在脚下
1、老骥伏枥,志在千里;烈士暮年,壮心不已。 ——曹操
2、毫无理想而又优柔寡断是一种可悲的心理。 ——培根
3、生活的理想,就是为了理想的生活。 ——^v^
4、一个人追求的目标越高,他的才力就发展得越快,对社会就越有益。 ——高尔基
5、有很多人是用青春的幸福作成功代价的。 ——莫扎特
6、神圣的工作在每个人的日常事务里,理想的前途在于一点一滴做起。 ——谢觉哉
7、每个人都有一定的理想,这种理想决定着他的努力和判断的方向。就在这个意义上,我从来不把安逸和快乐看作生活目的的本身--这种伦理基础,我叫它猪栏的理想。 ——爱因斯坦
10、志当存高远。 ——诸葛亮
11、志不强者智不达。 ——墨翟
12、燕雀安知鸿鹄之志哉! ——陈涉
2、该不该搁下重重的壳,寻找到底哪里有蓝天,随着轻轻的风轻轻地飘,历经的伤都不感觉疼。我要一步一步往上爬,等待阳光静静看着它的脸,小小的天有大大的梦想,重重的壳裹着轻轻的仰望。我要一步一步往上爬,在最高点乘着叶片往前飞,任风吹干,流过的泪和 汗,总有一天我有属于我的天。