2.不熟或尊敬的人:称呼常用:dear mr./ms./prof. + 对方姓 名,结束语一般使用kind regards/ yours sincerely
3.熟人或者朋友:称呼常用:dear + 名,结束语一般使用best wishes/kind regards
词句学习:文中:my departure date for new zealand is drawing near. draw near 解释为临近 可与 常用的 close 或这 approach 替换。
词句学习:文中:to assist in covering the costs of my study, i am to find a part-time job. 此句解释需要找工作的原因是要承担学费。但句中抛开了because之流的烂俗的因果类连接词,而直接选择用不定式结构在句首直抒胸臆。写法顺畅地道,鲜有中文的痕迹。此类表目的或原因的写作方式在很多分析过的考官范文中都有出现,须受到重视。
另文中:not only are the college fees rather high, but also i know that rental accommodation in the capital city will not be cheap, to say nothing of food and heating expense! 此句中一连三个并列,分别由not only(不仅)+ 倒装句… but also(而且)+陈述句…to say nothing of(更不用说)+名词 … 此并列结构建议大家可以多多练习仿写。
随着手机拍照的流行,大家应该都已经快忘记可以冲洗的照片的珍贵了吧,偏偏我们的最新雅思口语机经中出现了这样的话题卡,为了防止大家在回答雅思口语的过程中说“跑偏”到手机内存中的照片,我们可以在开头的介绍中就提到相框 frame,胶卷film, 悬挂hang 这类的词。这样给考官的最初印象就是你完全理解了题目的要求。
for the favorite picture i have in my room is the one with my boy friend and i smiling in front of the disneyland park. it is put right on the wall facing my bed so every time i lie down i can remember those moments.
the memories still come to me that the photo was taken on a rainy night when everything seemed dim in the distance and noises were replaced by the profound serenity of raindrops.
we had a great time at the carousel with many other couples taking photos of each other. and minute upon minute, note upon note, the little horses would go up and down.
when the music faded out and the fantastic tour came to its end, the dark night sky was kindled by fireworks rising behind the disney castle where all fairy tales dwelled in. those dancing images of mascots were projected on the castle, reviving the happy moments although the fact that the park was closing soon made us a little sad。
but at least we still have the photo. it is always reminiscent of that lovely time at the park and i believe there are more happy moments to be filmed with us together.
1. dim: (light) not bright
ie: this light is too dim to read by
2. serenity:the quality of being calm and peaceful
ie: the hotel offers a haven of peace and serenity away from the bustle of the city
3. fade out: to become less clear or quieter
ie: fade out the music at the end fo the scene
4. reminiscent: remind you of somebody/something
ie: the way he laughed was
a friend: a happy person, one you want to travel/study/work with, one you admire……
a celebrity: sport/movie/music star, a famous person you admire, a successful person, a character from a tv program or a movie.
a family member: one who influenced you most, one you like best, a happy person, an old person.
else: child, teacher, neighbor
题目:describe a celebrity you admire.
example by edward:
explain: who is this celebrity? what has he/she done to become popular? why do you like him/her?
when this topic is regarded/as the topic is mentioned (一般我都会用这两句开头,当然你也可以自己想一个开头方式), i would say a celebrity whom i admire most is the former chinese gymnast who is named li ning (有时候最好的回答方式就是重复对方的问题) . before i start, i do want to remind you that he is the man who lighted up the primary torch in beijing olympic game 2008。
li ning is no doubt one of the greatest athletes in china owing to his great contribution to gymnastics. as a gymnast, li ning demonstrated exceptional talents and perseverance/fortitude (天赋与坚毅品质)that his contemporaries didn’t possess(替换have可以展现你的词汇量). in los angeles summer olympic games, he won 4 gold medals, which was the best performance in that game. the next year, he won another two in world gymnastic games. prior to beijing olympics, he still held a record of 14 champion titles in gymnastics. in his days, he barely can find a competitor. so this good-looking young man has often been called the prince of gymnastics。
having retired from his beloved game (这句话完全等于after he retired from his beloved game), li ning still continued his passion in the field of sports by establishing a sport wear company which was named after him. the company soon became an unprecedented success. presently, the brand li ning has become a main competitor that nike and addidas can not ignore in the global market。
another reason i admire him is that li ning is not just a normal businessman who only cares about money, but also a man responsible for the future of the whole nation (我常用这句话来形容商人-xxx说:企业家身上应当流着道德的血液。
). he often donates money to communities and the national educational program called hope plan. so everything he does can be used as positive demonstration for the youth。
这个答案回答完,第二部分8分应该是不成问题了。这个topic要说完可能需要3分钟,所以在考场上必然会被考官打断-因为这部分给定时间在1-2分钟。但是并不用担心,因为考官会告诉你:don’t worry if i stop you.
试想,当你说一个物品,比如gift, 或者一次经历,比如travelling的时候,把它和你的好朋友或者是家人联系起来。准备就变得很有效率,回答时也可以避免没话说的灾难发生。
the chart below shows the total number of minutes (in billions) of telephone calls in the uk, divided into three categories, from 1995-2002.
heres my suggested outline for a 4-paragraph report: introduction: rewrite the question statement in your own words.
overview: point out which category was highest in each year, which was lowest, and which saw the biggest changes.
details: compare the 3 categories in 1995, then say what happened up until 1999.
details: notice what happened to local calls from 1999 onwards, and contrast this with the other 2 categories. finish with a comparison of the figures in 2002.
话题:the table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in australia in 1999.
the table gives information about poverty rates among six types of household in australia in the year 1999.
it is noticeable that levels of poverty were higher for single people than for couples, and people with children were more likely to be poor than those without. poverty rates were considerably lower among elderly people.
overall, 11% of australians, or 1,837,000 people, were living in poverty in 1999. aged people were the least likely to be poor, with poverty levels of 6% and 4% for single aged people and aged couples respectively.
just over one fifth of single parents were living in poverty, whereas only 12% of parents living with a partner were classed as poor. the same pattern can be seen for people with no children: while 19% of single people in this group were living below the poverty line, the figure for couples was much lower, at only 7%。
话题:the table shows the percentages of mobile phone owners using various mobile phone features.
the table compares the percentages of people using different functions of their mobile phones between 2006 and 2010.
throughout the period shown, the main reason why people used their mobile phones was to make calls. however, there was a marked increase in the popularity of other mobile phone features, particularly the internet search feature.
in 2006, of mobile phone owners used their phones to make calls, while the next most popular functions were text messaging (73%) and taking photos (66%). by contrast, less than 20% of owners played games or music on their phones, and there were no figures for users doing internet searches or recording video。
over the following 4 years, there was relatively little change in the figures for the top three mobile phone features. however, the percentage of people using their phones to access the internet jumped to 41% in 2008 and then to 73% in 2010. there was also a significant rise in the use of mobiles to play games and to record video, with figures reaching 41% and 35% respectively in 2010。
话题:the table below shows changes in the numbers of residents cycling to work in different areas of the uk between 2001 and 2011.
the table compares the numbers of people who cycled to work in twelve areas of the uk in the years 2001 and 2011.
overall, the number of uk commuters who travelled to work by bicycle rose considerably over the 10-year period. inner london had by far the highest number of cycling commuters in both years.
in 2001, well over 43 thousand residents of inner london commuted by bicycle, and this figure rose to more than 106 thousand in 2011, an increase of 144%. by contrast, although outer london had the second highest number of cycling commuters in each year, the percentage change, at only 45%, was the lowest of the twelve areas shown in the table。
brighton and hove saw the second biggest increase (109%) in the number of residents cycling to work, but bristol was the uk’s second city in terms of total numbers of cycling commuters, with 8,108 in 2001 and 15,768 in 2011. figures for the other eight areas were below the 10 thousand mark in both years。
describe your first mobile phone.
you should say:
when you got it
how you got it
what you used it for
and explain how you felt when you got it.
ok right then, i’m gonna tell you a little bit about my first mobile phone, or at least as much as i can remember anyway, because i think it was about seven or eight years ago when i first got one, so my memory’s a bit sketchy.
anyway, in terms of how i came to getting my first mobile, well basically, i had kind of been going on at my mum for quite a while to get me one, but she kept saying, quite rightly, that i was too young and didn’t really need one. but when i hit the age of about 15, i think it was, she finally relented, and took me to the shops to choose one。
so uh, yeah, i remember at the time that neither of us knew much about mobiles, so when we walked into the shop, we just asked the sales assistant there to recommend us one. and i think i’m right in saying that we ended up choosing the cheapest and most basic phone they had, simply because i wasn’t really interested in having loads of functions, you know, all i wanted to use it for was to call and text people。
so that’s how got i it, and um…what else is there to say, uh…. oh yeah, as for how i felt when i got it, well, in actual fact, i didn’t feel overly excited or anything, you know, it was really just a feeling of, um… what’s the word, umm….. i guess you could say it was like, um, a
task:some people believe that the increasing use of the computers and the mobile phones has a negative effect on young people’s reading and writing skill,do you agree or disagree?
sample answer:
some educators have warned that the prevalence of mobile phones and the internet has a negative effect on adolescents’ academic ability. i agree with this view.
firstly, the wide use of “internet english” is regarded as the culprit of the declining writing skills. one obvious reason is that young adults may make some grammatical mistakes unconsciously because of the frequent use of improper abbreviations and punctuation on mobile devices, and this might pose a threat to their future career where a professional writing ability is required in most companies. therefore, many linguists have expressed their concerns that the instant messaging and chatting on mobile phones might harm the ability of using formal written english。
secondly, the poor reading proficiency can be put down to the frequent use of technologies as well. compared to the older generation, young people today are cluttered with different gadgets, like ipad and iphone. for instance, with easy access to wifi, they can surf the internet anywhere and anytime to follow the latest information of their idols in another country. however, most social network deliver fragment and useless information, which not only steals time way from solitary reading but also undermine the ability to think independently. in my opinion, this phenomenon should be reversed as soon as possible because reading has a profound effect on a nation’s future。
in conclusion, while these electronic devices make the communication much more convenient, i am in the camp that they might affect young people’s academic performance negatively.
好,以下是官方提供的高分范文,逐段分析,给各位烤鸭看看,到底雅思高分作文长什么模样 ?
, children have begun studying foreign languages at secondary school, butintroducing them earlier is recommended by some educationalists. this policy has been adopted by some educational authorities or individual schools, with both positive and negative outcomes.
大家发现没有,考官范文的开头与你的作文开头有不同吗 ? 你写的开头可能是这样的:
nowadays, the topic about when children should begin learning a foreign language has been discussed. some experts say they should begin at primary school. in my opinion, this has more advantages than disadvantages.
这样的开头是中规中矩,但是具有模板特征,很难取得高分。再看考官范文,先一个 traditionally 副词开头,引出常规的情况,然后用 introducing 一个动名词短语引出专家的观点。转瞬间,就用了 ^v^ 副词置于句首 ^v^,^v^ 动名词短语做主语 ^v^ 两种句型变化方式。另外,本段用 educationalists 替代题目中的 experts; 最后的 with both positive and negative outcomes 是介词短语置于句末,也是句型变化之一例。句型灵活就体现在这些看似波澜不惊的地方。
obvious argument in its favour is that young children pick up languages much more easily than teenagers. their brains are still programmed to acquire their mother tongue, which facilitates learning another language, and unlike adolescents, they are not inhibited by self-consciousness.
本段讲小学学外语的好处之一:比中学生学得快,这显然属于物质层次的内容。接下来的论证逻辑是:小孩正在学习母语的程序中,因此有助于学外语,然后用一个 unlike 与其对立面中学生学外语比较,说明小孩学外语时还不会被难为情所阻挠,言下之意就是中学学外语,学生可能因为难为情而学不好外语。本段的意思其实很简单,但考官范文是高度浓缩,句型简练,用词大而精当,一般烤鸭难以模仿。比如:
their brains are programmed to acquire their mother tongue = their brains are prepared to learn a language
faciliate = make it easier
adolescents 是用来替换 teenagers, secondary school students 的
inhibit: prevent 阻挠
self-consciousness: shyness
一般烤鸭绝对达不到正确使用这些词汇的水平,那么是不是就此绝望,认为自己永远也取不到高分呢 ? 不见得。试着保持内容的前提下改写一下,更利于烤鸭模仿:
the obvious argument in its favour is that young children learn languages much more easily than teenagers. having just begun to learn their mother tongue, children will more likely find that learning a language is interesting. meanwhile, unlike those secondary school students, children are usually too young to feel shy, which makes it easier for them to learn a foreign language。
这个改写的得分会比官方范文低一档次,但也是 7 分的模样 !
greater flexibility of the primary timetable allows for more frequent, shorter sessionsand for a play-centred approach, thus maintaining learners ’ enthusiasm and progress. their command of the language in later life will benefit from this early exposure, while learning other languages subsequently will be easier for them. they may also gain a better understanding of other cultures。
同样,本段内容很简单,但在表达上很不 ^v^ 友好 ^v^,让部分烤鸭看了头疼:我特么看都看不懂,还要我照这样写,不是要我小命么 ? 其实,不用着急,模仿以下改写即可:
comparatively, children have more time and their timeable is more flexible, so it is possible to give them more frequent, yet shorter foreign languages classes and include more language games. this is very beneficial to keep their interest to make sure they make progress. once they have learnt a foreign language at a young age, they will find it easier to learn other languages when they grow up, so they can gain a better understanding of many different cultures。
这是 7 分的感觉,是不是 ^v^ 友好 ^v^ 多了 ?,与考官范文想比,显然更适合绝大多数烤鸭来模仿 ! 说实话,对多少烤鸭来说,让他来模仿这样的考官范文,效果可能适得其反 !
are, however, some disadvantages. primary school teachers are generalists, and may not have the necessary language skills themselves. if specialists have to be brought in to deliver these sessions, the flexibility referred to above is diminished. if primary language teaching is not standardised, secondary schools could be faced with a great variety of levels in different languages within their intake, resulting in a classroom experience which undoes the earlier gains. there is no advantage if enthusiastic primary pupils become demotivated as soon as they change schools. however, these issues can be addressed strategically within the policy adopted。
which encourages language learning benefits society culturally and economically, and early exposure to language learning contributes to this. young children ’ s innate abilities should be harnessed to make these benefits more achievable.
anything which helps language learning benefits society culturally and economically, so the younger age a child learns a foreign language, the better. young children should make the best use of their advantages to acquire a foreign language before they go to the secondary school.
读了这范文,或者听别人分析了这范文,如果你得出如下雅思作文高分的所谓技巧: ( 1 ) 使劲用大词 ; ( 2 ) 使劲写长句 ; ( 3 ) 使劲写抽象的道理。
但是:对 99% 的烤鸭而言,如果你尝试按照以上三点去写雅思作文,你的结局会非常悲惨 ! 因为,你不是考官,你没有他的语言水平,你去东施效颦,结果就是满脸胭脂,厚薄不均,不仅没让自己变美,反而成为一个不受人待见的丑八怪 !
1. 心理过度紧张,缺乏自信。
2. 英文能力有限,准备压力大。
3. 错把口试当成背诵考试,适得其反。
:复述文章主题+引出论点 典型的大作文文章开篇,中规中矩,不失为实战中最好用也是最稳妥的写法。
词汇学习:on the face of sth. 从表面看
句子学习:文中:it is true that many parents purchase a multitude of playthings for their offspring. “purchase a multitude” -可用来直接替换三俗词”have different views towards” 用法完全一致。
另文中:whether or not this is a good thing for the child, is a moot point. “moot”一次解释为有争议的,悬而未决的。此处用法可以完美替代通俗句型whether … , is widely debated.
主题句+理由分析 此写法常见于各类考官范文,主题句直接清晰的点明此段论述主题,然后围绕此主题进行展开。玩具有助于孩子身体,智力的发展同时兼具教育意义
相关词句学习:optimum brain development 开发大脑
hand-eye coordination 眼手协调
colour recognition 颜色识别
sth. is designed to be educational as well as fun 寓教于乐
speed children’s acquisition of numbers or the alphabet 加速孩子对数字和字母的认知
主题句+理由分析 此段结构同第二段,依旧是常见的正文段写作结构。而且从篇幅上看此段为考官的立场所在,玩具的弊大于利。所以笔者在此在此强调,一般双边分析的文章建议大家以第三段来奠定文章基调。
理由整理:spoil their children 宠坏孩子
concentration span may suffer 集中力下降
too many tempting objects 诱惑太多
become targets of envy from classmates 被妒忌
be dangerous for infants to suck on or ingest 有误事的风险
词汇学习:multiple 许多,可替换“many”
detrimental 有害的, 可替换“harmful”
pitfall 缺点,可替换“drawback”
be perceived as 被认为,可替换“be regard as”
句子学习:文中:for one,wealthy parents might spoil their son or daughter by showering him/her with toys, resulting in a negative effect on the child’s character. 句中考官形象的使用了shower 一次写出了给孩子提供了大量的玩具。
shower sb. with sth. 可替换“give sb. a large number of …”, 同时考官用了resulting in 一词的非谓语结构引导结果。
句子学习:it is clear then that this situation is not as straightforward as it first appears. 此句几乎可以算是万能句,表示情况并不如看起来那么简单。几乎可以用于各种雅思与论文中。
话题:the chart below shows the total number of minutes (in billions) of telephone calls in the uk, divided into three categories, from 1995-2002.
introduction: rewrite the question statement in your own words.
overview: point out which category was highest in each year, which was lowest, and which saw the biggest changes.
details: compare the 3 categories in 1995, then say what happened up until 1999.
details: notice what happened to local calls from 1999 onwards, and contrast this with the other 2 categories. finish with a comparison of the figures in 2002.
the bar chart compares the amount of time spent by people in the uk on three different types of phone call between 1995 and 2002.
it is clear that calls made via local, fixed lines were the most popular type, in terms of overall usage, throughout the period shown. the lowest figures on the chart are for mobile calls, but this category also saw the most dramatic increase in user minutes.
in 1995, people in the uk used fixed lines for a total of just over 70 billion minutes for local calls, and about half of that amount of time for national or international calls. by contrast, mobile phones were only used for around 4 billion minutes. over the following four years, the figures for all three types of phone call increased steadily。
by 1999, the amount of time spent on local calls using landlines had reached a peak at 90 billion minutes. subsequently, the figure for this category fell, but the rise in the other two types of phone call continued. in 2002, the number of minutes of national / international landline calls passed 60 billion, while the figure for mobiles rose to around 45 billion minutes。
认知,可以替换argue, believe等词用来表示人的观点
adj. 必要的,必需的
题目:some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to reducing traffic accidents. others, however, believe that other measures would be more effective in improving road safety. discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
people have differing views with regard to the question of how to make our roads safer. in my view, both punishments and a range of other measures can be used together to promote better driving habits.
on the one hand, strict punishments can certainly help to encourage people to drive more safely. penalties for dangerous drivers can act as a deterrent, meaning that people avoid repeating the same offence. there are various types of driving penalty, such as small fines, licence suspension, driver awareness courses, and even prison sentences. the aim of these punishments is to show dangerous drivers that their actions have negative consequences. as a result, we would hope that drivers become more disciplined and alert, and that they follow the rules more carefully。
on the other hand, i believe that safe driving can be promoted in several different ways that do
not punish drivers. firstly, it is vitally important to educate people properly before they start to drive, and this could be done in schools or even as part of an extended or more difficult driving test. secondly, more attention could be paid to safe road design. for example, signs can be used to warn people, speed bumps and road bends can be added to calm traffic, and speed cameras can help to deter people from driving too quickly. finally, governments or local councils could reduce road accidents by investing in better public transport, which would mean that fewer people would need to travel by car。
in conclusion, while punishments can help to prevent bad driving, i believe that other road safety measures should also be introduced.
describe a shop you like to go to.
what shop it is
what it sells (or, what you usually buy there)
when you first started going to this shop (or, how you came to know about this shop)
and explain why you like (to go to) this shop.
well, it took me a few moments to decide on which shop to talk about, because i actually like going to quite a number of different shops around my hometown, but possibly my favourite is h&m, so thats the one im gonna describe.
firstly then, with regard to what it sells, well im not sure if youre familiar with h&m, but its basically a mid-end clothes shop which sells a variety of womens and mens clothing, mostly geared towards young adults like myself. and as well as clothing, the shop also has a small accessories section for women, with things like hair bands, bracelets and earrings, but the main focus is definitely on clothes。
anyway, as for when i first started going to this shop, well to be totally honest with you, im really not that sure, but off the top of my head, i guess i must have first started shopping there two or three years ago, round about the time i was in high school, because i seem to vaguely remember one of my high-school classmates telling me about it, and how good it was。
so thats kind of how i got to know about h&m, and finally, regarding why i like shopping there, well i suppose its really a combination of reasons, one of which would be that the clothes there, on the whole, tend to be quite fashionable and trendy, unlike the stuff i see in many other shops, and the clothes are pretty simple in style, which is exactly what i like. so thats one thing, and i guess another reason would be that everything there is really good-value, and just to give you an example, a decent pair of jeans there costs around three hundred yuan, whereas a similar pair at another shop would probably set you back a thousand yuan or so, and in terms of quality, well, theres really not that much difference between h&ms clothes and the higher-end brands, but youre paying considerably less。
so yeah, i would say these are, more or less, the main reasons why i like shopping there, and i would probably go so far as saying its become one of the most popular clothes shops here in my hometown, and i just hope they continue to keep their prices as low as they are!
thats pretty much it then, so thanks for listening.