通过在单位的实习锻炼英语听、说、读、写能力 ,掌握实用的外贸技能,实践和巩固贸易知识,熟悉外贸业务,在实际业务的操作过程中全面、系统、规范地掌握外贸进出口流程, 为即将的就业打牢基础。
南京xx出口贸易有限企业 业务部门
(1)坚持理论联系实际 将《商务英语谈判》〈国际贸易单证〉《英语口语》等课程中所学到的基础理论和基本政策加以具体运用。力求做到理论与实践、政策与业务有效地结合起来,不断提高分析与解决实际问题的能力。认真观察业务流程,积极和同事交流 虚心请教学习,学习与客户沟通,开发市场。
(2)加强英语的学习 对于外贸专业人员而言,不仅要掌握一定的专业知识,而且还必须会用英语与外商沟通、谈判及函电等。如果专业英语知识掌握不好,就无法开展工作,甚至会影响业务的顺利进行。因此,在实习中大胆与客户交流,边巩固所学知识,边学习工作中遇到的外贸英语知识,掌握外贸专业术语基础。
(3)注意本课程同其他相关课程的联系 外贸英语是一门综合性的学科,与其他课程内容紧密相联。应该将各们知识综合运用。比如法律,比如商品学 比如营销学,在实习期间发现这些对开展工作的用处很大,这就要求我们广泛博览其他相关学科的书籍,多和同事、上级沟通 关注外贸当面的新发展,不断提高业务能力。
(4)坚持学以致用 外贸英语是一门实践性很强的应用学科。
实习中深有体会,许多书本中学的东西想要发发挥其作用 需要广泛积极的应用于外贸交流中,处理工作事务中学习到很多书本没有讲的知识 ,可见 学以致用在这门学科里的重要性。
基本的业务 流程 就得从找客户开始。
当然要回答客户的问题,给客户报价等应该要具备一些基本的. 国际贸易 知识。
我上个学期学的 国际贸易 实务让我对 国际贸易 方面的 术语 并不陌生。
只有找到了客户,下了订单,签订了合同,才有后面一系列制单结汇等 流程 。
我通过一段时间的摸索摸索,总结出摆正心态的重要性 ,冷静分析,从自身查找原因,采取有效措施。树立一个辩证的挫折观,保持自信和乐观的态度,正是失败本身才最终造就了成功。学会自我宽慰,能容忍挫折,要心怀坦荡,情绪乐观,善于化压力为动力,改变内心的压抑状态,以求身心的轻松,重新争取成功。 接待客户,收发处理邮件 制发文件等工作要做到积极主动,认真 负责。 还有与领导谈话要注意言语场合 ,正确理解领导意图。
通过实习,加深了我对外贸英语知识的理解,提高了我的实践能力,掌握了更为实际的外贸知识,锻炼了办事能力,了解了社会。 通过实习,发现了自己的不足,我会在以后的工作学习中更加努力,取长补短,需心求教。相信自己会在以后的工作中更加用心,表现更加出色!不管从事什么工作都会努力! 对于企业的不足,暂时还没什么想法,可能是自己观察不够。以后我会在这方面有所留心,争取多发现问题,解决问题,有好的想法会及时和大家交流。
dear mr. jones:
thank you for your letter of 15th september.
as we are now only at the get-acquainted stage, we feel it is too early to take into consideration the matter of sole agency. in our opinion, it would be better for both of us to try out a period of cooperation to see how things go. also, it would be necessary for you to test the marketability of our products at your end and to continue your efforts in building a larger turnover to justify the sole agency arrangement。
we enclose our latest pricelist covering all the products we handle within the framework of your specialized lines. we look forward to hearing from you.
dear mr. jones:
we have received your letter of 18th july, informing us that the sewing machines we shipped to you arrived in a damaged condition on account of imperfectness of our packing. upon receipt of your letter, we have given this matter our immediate attention. we have studied your surveyors report very carefully。
we are convinced that the present damage was due to e_traordinary circumstances under which they were transported to you. we are therefore not responsible for the damage; but as we do not think that it would be fair to have you bear the loss alone, we suggest that the loss be divided between both of us, to which we hope you will agree。
dear mr. jones,
we acknowledge receipt of both your offer of may 6 and the samples of mens shirts, and thank you for these.
while appreciating the good quality of your shirts, we find your price is rather too high for the market we wish to supply.
we have also to point out that the mens shirts are available in our market from several european manufacturers, all of them are at prices from 10% to 15% below the price you being the case, we have to ask you to consider if you can make reduction in your price, say 10%.as our order would be worth around us$50,000, you may think it worthwhile to make a concession。
we are looking forward to your reply,
dear mr. jones:
with reference to the 4,000 dozen shirts under our sales confirmation , we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching but up to the present we have not received the covering l/c.
please do you utmost to e_pedite its establishment so that we may e_ecute the order within the prescribed time. in order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the l/c stipulations are in e_act accordance with the terms of the contract.
we look forward to receiving your favorable response at an early date.
dear mr. jones:
with reference to our sales confirmation dated august 10, 2002, we regret to say that your letter of credit has not yet reached us up to the time of writing. this has caused us much inconvenience as we have already made preparations for shipment according to the stipulations of the said sales confirmation。
you must be aware that the terms and conditions of a contract once signed should be strictly observed, failure to abide by them will mean violation of contract. if you refer to our sales
confirmation, you will see the clause reading: "the buyer shall establish the covering letter of credit before 30th august, 2002, failing which the seller reserves the right to rescind the contract without further notice." the goods you ordered have been ready for quite some time and the demand of late has been so great that we find it hard to keep them for you any longer. however, in consideration of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to wait for your l/c, which must reach us not later than october 5, 2002. if we again fail to receive your l/c in time, we shall cancel our sale。
confirmation and ask you to refund to us the storage charges we have paid on your behalf.
your cooperation in this respect will be appreciated.
dear mr. jones,
we acknowledge receipt of both your offer of may 6 and the samples of mens shirts, and thank you for these.
while appreciating the good quality of your shirts, we find your price is rather too high for the market we wish to supply.
we have also to point out that the mens shirts are available in our market from several european manufacturers, all of them are at prices from 10% to 15% below the price you being the case, we have to ask you to consider if you can make reduction in your price, say 10%.as our order would be worth around us$50,000, you may think it worthwhile to make a concession。
we are looking forward to your reply,
dear mr. jones:
with reference to the 4,000 dozen shirts under our sales confirmation , we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching but up to the present we have not received the covering l/c.
please do you utmost to expedite its establishment so that we may execute the order within the prescribed time. in order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the l/c stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract.
we look forward to receiving your favorable response at an early date.
dear mr. jones:
with reference to our sales confirmation dated august 10, 20xx, we regret to say that your letter of credit has not yet reached us up to the time of writing. this has caused us much inconvenience as we have already made preparations for shipment according to the stipulations of the said sales confirmation。
you must be aware that the terms and conditions of a contract once signed should be strictly observed, failure to abide by them will mean violation of contract. if you refer to our sales
confirmation, you will see the clause reading: "the buyer shall establish the covering letter of credit before 30th august, 20xx, failing which the seller reserves the right to rescind the contract without further notice." the goods you ordered have been ready for quite some time and the demand of late has been so great that we find it hard to keep them for you any longer. however, in consideration of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to wait for your l/c, which must reach us not later than october 5, 20xx. if we again fail to receive your l/c in time, we shall cancel our sale。
confirmation and ask you to refund to us the storage charges we have paid on your behalf.
your cooperation in this respect will be appreciated.
dear mr. jones:
we thank you for your email enquiry for both groundnuts and walnutmeat cnf copenhagen dated february, 21.
in reply, we offer firm,subject to your reply reaching us on or before february 26 for 250 metric tons of groundnuts,handpicked, shelled and ungraded at rmb2000 net per metric ton cnf copenhagen and any other european main ports. shipment to be made within two months after receipt of your order payment by l/c payable by sight draft。
please note that we have quoted our most favorable price and are unableto entertain any counter you are aware that there has lately been a large demand for the above commodities. such growing demand will likely result in increased you can secure these prices if you send us an immediate reply.
dear mr. jones:
we understand from your information posted on that you are in the market for textiles. we would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with bright ideas imports in the future.
we are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. we have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. you may also visit our online company introduction at which includes our latest product line.
should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. we will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. we look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
john roberts
dear mr. jones:
we have received your letter of 9th april showing your interest in our complete product information.
our product lines mainly include high quality textile products. to give you a general idea of the various kinds of textiles now available for export, we have enclosed a catalogue and a price list. you may also visit our online company introduction at which includes our latest product line.
we look forward to your specific enquiries and hope to have the opportunity to work together with you in the future.
dear mr. jones:
we have refreshed our online catalog at , and now it covers the latest new products, which are now available from stock.
we believe that you will find some attractive additions to our product line. once you have had time to study the supplement, please let us know if you would like to take the matter further. we would be very happy to send samples to you for close inspection.
we will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you.
dear mr. jones:
thank you for your inquiry of 16 march. we are pleased to hear that you are interested in our product "toaster".
weve enclosed the photo and detailed information of the product for your reference:
product: toaster
package: 1pcs/box price: 10usd/pcs
payment: l/c
for purchase quantities over 1,000pcs of individual items we would allow you a discount of 1%. payment is to be made by irrevocable at sight.
we look forward to receiving your first order.
dear mr. jones:
thank you for your enquiry of 12 march cate 9 cable.
we appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.
we would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer the following material as a close substitute:
cate 5, us$__ per meter fob shanghai, including your commission 2%.
please visit our catalog at for more information on this item. if you find the product acceptable, please email us as soon as possible.
dear sir or madam:
we know that you are exporters of textile fabrics.
we would like you to send us details of your various ranges, including colors and prices, and also samples of the different qualities of material used.
we are volume dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of this kind mentioned.
when quoting, please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchases of quantities of not less than 1000 meters of individual items. prices quoted should include insurance and freight to san francisco.
dear **
nice to meet you .
thank you for the favor of our products .at the same time .we would very much like to work with you to establish long-term friendly relations of cooperation . i am sale director of santong plastic supply name is have 8 years experience plastic bottle and box . i think we could get your mind.
our business model is both whole sale and retail. so that we will accept the diy style or own style form the mow is 1 piece as retail price .
…… …… 余下全文
从3月份来公司到今年年底,算起来在**有刚满10个月的时间了。当初就是抱着纯粹学习的心态找的现在的工作,对于一个英语专业的我来说,在过去的两年里一直投入在与英语无关的行业中,现在冒冒然再重操旧业时,相对于同毕业的同学来说,是落后了很多。但从我决定换一个行业去发展的时候,我重新确定了自己的定位。要在一个行业发展起来,首先就是要相信你自己可以做到。我也是这样给自己定义的。别人能做到的, 我也可以做到。
dear mr. jones:
thank you for your letter of 15th september.
as we are now only at the get-acquainted stage, we feel it is too early to take into consideration the matter of sole agency. in our opinion, it would be better for both of us to try out a period of cooperation to see how things go. also, it would be necessary for you to test the marketability of our products at your end and to continue your efforts in building a larger turnover to justify the sole agency arrangement。
we enclose our latest pricelist covering all the products we handle within the framework of your specialized lines. we look forward to hearing from you.
dear mr. jones:
we have received your letter of 18th july, informing us that the sewing machines we shipped to you arrived in a damaged condition on account of imperfectness of our packing. upon receipt of your letter, we have given this matter our immediate attention. we have studied your surveyors report very carefully。
we are convinced that the present damage was due to extraordinary circumstances under which they were transported to you. we are therefore not responsible for the damage; but as we do not think that it would be fair to have you bear the loss alone, we suggest that the loss be divided between both of us, to which we hope you will agree。
dear mr. jones:
thank you for your letter of 15th september.
as we are now only at the get-acquainted stage, we feel it is too early to take into consideration the matter of sole agency. in our opinion, it would be better for both of us to try out a period of cooperation to see how things go. also, it would be necessary for you to test the marketability of our products at your end and to continue your efforts in building a larger turnover to justify the sole agency arrangement。
we enclose our latest pricelist covering all the products we handle within the framework of your specialized lines. we look forward to hearing from you.
dear mr. jones:
we have received your letter of 18th july, informing us that the sewing machines we shipped to you arrived in a damaged condition on account of imperfectness of our packing. upon receipt of your letter, we have given this matter our immediate attention. we have studied your surveyors report very carefully。
we are convinced that the present damage was due to extraordinary circumstances under which they were transported to you. we are therefore not responsible for the damage; but as we do not think that it would be fair to have you bear the loss alone, we suggest that the loss be divided between both of us, to which we hope you will agree。
员工转正申请一般是指在单位内部进行试用的那一部分员工,申请转为正式职工的申请书。下面是新员工的转正申请书范文,欢迎参阅。新员工转正申请书范文篇 1尊敬的领导:我于20xx年x月x日成为公司的试用员工,作为一个应届毕业生,初来公司...
dear mr. jones:
we understand from your information posted on that you are in the market for te_tiles. we would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with bright ideas imports in the future.
we are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and e_port of te_tiles. we have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. you may also visit our online company introduction at which includes our latest product line.
should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. we will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. we look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
john roberts
dear mr. jones:
we have received your letter of 9th april showing your interest in our complete product information.
our product lines mainly include high quality te_tile products. to give you a general idea of the various kinds of te_tiles now available for e_port, we have enclosed a catalogue and a price list. you may also visit our online company introduction at which includes our latest product line.
we look forward to your specific enquiries and hope to have the opportunity to work together with you in the future.
dear mr. jones:
we have refreshed our online catalog at , and now it covers the latest new products, which are now available from stock.
we believe that you will find some attractive additions to our product line. once you have had time to study the supplement, please let us know if you would like to take the matter further. we would be very happy to send samples to you for close inspection.
we will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you.
dear mr. jones:
thank you for your inquiry of 16 march. we are pleased to hear that you are interested in our product "toaster".
weve enclosed the photo and detailed information of the product for your reference:
product: toaster
specification: _______________
package: 1pcs/bo_ price: 10usd/pcs
payment: l/c
for purchase quantities over 1,000pcs of individual items we would allow you a discount of 1%. payment is to be made by irrevocable at sight.
we look forward to receiving your first order.
dear mr. jones:
thank you for your enquiry of 12 march cate 9 cable.
we appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to e_cessive demand.
we would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer the following material as a close substitute:
cate 5, us$__ per meter fob shanghai, including your commission 2%.
please visit our catalog at for more information on this item. if you find the product acceptable, please email us as soon as possible.
dear sir or madam:
we know that you are e_porters of te_tile fabrics.
we would like you to send us details of your various ranges, including colors and prices, and also samples of the different qualities of material used.
we are volume dealers in te_tiles and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of this kind mentioned.
when quoting, please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchases of quantities of not less than 1000 meters of individual items. prices quoted should include insurance and freight to san francisco.
dear mr. jones,
we acknowledge receipt of both your offer of may 6 and the samples of mens shirts, and thank you for these.
while appreciating the good quality of your shirts, we find your price is rather too high for the market we wish to supply.
we have also to point out that the mens shirts are available in our market from several european manufacturers, all of them are at prices from 10% to 15% below the price you being the case, we have to ask you to consider if you can make reduction in your price, say 10%.as our order would be worth around us$50,000, you may think it worthwhile to make a concession。
we are looking forward to your reply,
dear mr. jones:
with reference to the 4,000 dozen shirts under our sales confirmation , we wish to draw your attention to the fact that the date of delivery is approaching but up to the present we have not received the covering l/c.
please do you utmost to expedite its establishment so that we may execute the order within the prescribed time. in order to avoid subsequent amendments, please see to it that the l/c stipulations are in exact accordance with the terms of the contract.
we look forward to receiving your favorable response at an early date.
dear mr. jones:
with reference to our sales confirmation dated august 10, 2002, we regret to say that your letter of credit has not yet reached us up to the time of writing. this has caused us much inconvenience as we have already made preparations for shipment according to the stipulations of the said sales confirmation。
you must be aware that the terms and conditions of a contract once signed should be strictly observed, failure to abide by them will mean violation of contract. if you refer to our sales
confirmation, you will see the clause reading: "the buyer shall establish the covering letter of credit before 30th august, 2002, failing which the seller reserves the right to rescind the contract without further notice." the goods you ordered have been ready for quite some time and the demand of late has been so great that we find it hard to keep them for you any longer. however, in consideration of our friendly business relations, we are prepared to wait for your l/c, which must reach us not later than october 5, 2002. if we again fail to receive your l/c in time, we shall cancel our sale。
confirmation and ask you to refund to us the storage charges we have paid on your behalf.
your cooperation in this respect will be appreciated.
hi ,sara
nice to hear from u .
we are in beijing now , and will back to yemen the day after
tomorrow casue of temporary problems in yemen , but my friends will stay here for a few more days .
we have filed your company infomation and quotation, will give u the final answers in the near future. by the way , do u have ppt document including ur company inroduction and products catalogue ? we need them to show to our yemen govnt or other security dealers.
steve basnett
dear mr. jones:
we understand from your information posted on that you are in the market for textiles. we would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with bright ideas imports in the future.
we are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. we have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. you may also visit our online company introduction at which includes our latest product line.
should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. we will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements. we look forward to receiving your enquires soon.
john roberts
dear mr. jones:
we have received your letter of 9th april showing your interest in our complete product information.
our product lines mainly include high quality textile products. to give you a general idea of the various kinds of textiles now available for export, we have enclosed a catalogue and a price list. you may also visit our online company introduction at which includes our latest product line.
we look forward to your specific enquiries and hope to have the opportunity to work together with you in the future.
dear mr. jones:
we have refreshed our online catalog at , and now it covers the latest new products, which are now available from stock.
we believe that you will find some attractive additions to our product line. once you have had time to study the supplement, please let us know if you would like to take the matter further. we would be very happy to send samples to you for close inspection.
we will keep you informed on our progress and look forward to hearing from you.
dear mr. jones:
thank you for your inquiry of 16 march. we are pleased to hear that you are interested in our product "toaster".
weve enclosed the photo and detailed information of the product for your reference:
product: toaster
specification: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
package: 1pcs/box price: 10usd/pcs
payment: l/c
for purchase quantities over 1,000pcs of individual items we would allow you a discount of 1%. payment is to be made by irrevocable at sight.
we look forward to receiving your first order.
dear mr. jones:
thank you for your enquiry of 12 march cate 9 cable.
we appreciate your efforts in marketing our products and regret very much that we are unable to supply the desired goods due to excessive demand.
we would, however, like to take this opportunity to offer the following material as a close substitute:
cate 5, us$__ per meter fob shanghai, including your commission 2%.
please visit our catalog at for more information on this item. if you find the product acceptable, please email us as soon as possible.
dear sir or madam:
we know that you are exporters of textile fabrics.
we would like you to send us details of your various ranges, including colors and prices, and also samples of the different qualities of material used.
we are volume dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of this kind mentioned.
when quoting, please state your terms of payment and discount you would allow on purchases of quantities of not less than 1000 meters of individual items. prices quoted should include insurance and freight to san francisco.
gentlemen: june 18, 20xx
thank you for your order no. 599. in order to execute it, please open an irrevocable l/c for the amount of us$ 50,000 in our favor. this account shall be available until sep. 20. upon arrival of the l/c we will pack and ship the order as requested.
dear sir: june 24, 20xx
thank you for your letter of june 18 enclosing details of your terms. according to your request for opening an irrevocable l/c, we have instructed the beijing city commercial bank to open a credit for us$ 50,000 in your favor, valid until sep. 20. please advise us by fax when the order has been executed。
dear sir: sep. 1, 20xx
we are sorry to report that in spite of our effort, we are unable to guarantee shipment by the agreed date due to a strike at our factory. we are afraid that your l/c will be expire before shipment. therefore, please explain our situation to your customers and secure their consent to extend the l/c to 。
gentlemen: sept. 5, 20xx
we received your letter today and have informed our customers of your situation. as requested, we have instructed the beijing city commercial bank to extend the l/c up to and including september 30. please keep us abreast of any new development.
4、买家如果已经cc,把邮件抄送给第二个人,或者抄送给2个人以上(可能是买家的同事或者主管),你回复的时候要按“reply all”,而不要只回复发件的那个人.买家发邮件cc的目的是希望多个人了解到目前此事的进展情况,你有义务回复全部的人。
5、回复买家邮件的时候要“reply with all history”,不要把历史记录删除,否则买家不知道先前发生的事情和交流的内容。也不要随意改变邮件的主题。一件事情,一个产品的邮件要保持一个邮件主题。
8、不要全部用大写字母写邮件正文。如thank you for your email dated nov17,20xx
9、如果事情比较复杂,繁多的话,可以用1234 注明.表达要简洁,直接,明确.不要把很多事情写在一段中,显得非常冗长,没有条理性。如果不了解可以上”多美丽买卖搜索"看看。
员工转正申请一般是指在单位内部进行试用的那一部分员工,申请转为正式职工的申请书。下面是新员工的转正申请书范文,欢迎参阅。新员工转正申请书范文篇 1尊敬的领导:我于20xx年x月x日成为公司的试用员工,作为一个应届毕业生,初来公司...
dear mr. li,
your firm has been recommended 1 to us by the dickson electrics company, with whom we have done business for many years.
we are interested in your electric typewriters for use in offices and shall be glad if you will send us a copy of your illustrated catalogue 2 and current price list.
yours sincerely,
susan block
a reply
dear ms block,
we welcome you for your enquiry of fed. 1 and thank you for your interest in our commodities. we are enclosing 3 some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list giving the details you asked for.
we trust that you will agree that our products and price appeal to 4 the most selective buyer. and we also allow a proper discount 5 according to the quantity ordered.
thank you again for your interest in our products. we are looking forward to your order and you may be assured 6 that it will receive our prompt and careful attention.
yours truly
dear mr. lu,
we have noticed from your advertisement 1 in 2 that you export large quantities of cushions 3 to european market.
being specialized in this line for a long time, we are well connected with 4 many customers in our country. at present, we are interested in back cushion fine in quality and low in price. it will be highly appreciated if you could send us some brochures and samples for our reference and quote 5 your lowest price on cif basis including our 3% commission 6 .。
should your goods prove satisfactory and price be found competitive 7 , you may expect substantial 8 orders from us.
we are looking forward to your early reply.
yours faithfully
a reply
dear mr. bean,
we warmly welcome your enquiry of april 4 and thank you for your interest in our cushions.
we are enclosing samples and price list of back cushions giving the details you asked for. we feel confident that you will find the goods both excellent in quality and reasonable in price.
best regards,
yours sincerely